英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:06:50


英 [rɪˈdemptɪv]

美 [rɪˈdemptɪv]


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  • 赎回的,赎买的
  • 拯救的
  • 买回的
  • 赎身的
  • 偿还的,用于补偿的
  • 救赎的
  • 挽回的
  • 救世的
  • 赎罪的
  • 用以赎回的,用以赎救的

1. (基督教中)挽救的,救赎的,拯救的
In Christianity, a redemptive act or quality is something which leads to freedom from the consequences of sin and evil.

e.g. ...the redemptive power of Christ.

1. 赎回的:redeem赎回 | redemptive赎回的 | reign执政

2. 赎身的:redemptive 赎回的 | redemptive 赎身的 | redemptory 赎回.身的

3. 买回的:redelivery 再装船 | redemptive 买回的 | redemptive 赎回的

4. 救赎的:111. unearned:不应得的 | 112. redemptive:救赎的 | 113. slum:贫民窟

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

To many people, husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family—they need children to enrich the circle, to validate its family character, to gather the redemptive influence of offspring.(对许多人来说,丈夫和妻子似乎不足以构成一个真正意义上的家庭——他们需要孩子来丰富他们的小圈子,验证这个小圈子的家庭性质,并从子孙后代那里获得某种弥补的影响。)
Joseph sees his pain and suffering in the context of God's redemptive work.(约瑟从神救赎计划的角度来看他的伤痛和苦难。)
We want to learn how God USES human responsibility to carry out his redemptive work.(我们要学习神如何使用人来完成他的救赎工作。)
To every accident and disaster there is a potentially redemptive dimension that we are usually unaware of.(每件意外与灾难,都存在着一个可能的救赎,我们却经常未能察觉。)
Set in small-town Iowa in 1956, Gilead is a quiet, slow-moving but ultimately majestic avowal of the redemptive power of love. La.(《吉利德》以1956年爱荷华州的小镇为背景,故事恬静而舒缓,但最终成为爱的救赎力的宏大声明。)
He doesn't have any of those potentially redemptive qualities.(他没有任何这种潜在的救赎品质。)
The reason for being great is because one have seen and heard the Messiah's redemptive work.(一个人之所以伟大是因为他看到和听到了弥赛亚救赎的工作。)
God's redemptive mission accomplished.(神的救恩使命完成了。)
Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.(继续用信心工作不劳而获的苦楚是赎回的。)
I think the universe is conspiring to help us have a redemptive moment here.(我想,整个宇宙都在协力帮助我们在这里迎来救赎的时刻。)
redemptive是什么意思 redemptive在线翻译 redemptive什么意思 redemptive的意思 redemptive的翻译 redemptive的解释 redemptive的发音 redemptive的同义词