英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 16:19:18


英 [ˈrædɪkəlɪzəm]

美 [ˈrædɪkəˌlɪzəm]


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  • 激进主义
  • 激进的思想和原则
  • 基本原理
  • 根本的改革主义


1. the political orientation of those who favor revolutionary change in government and society

1. 激进主义
Radicalism is radical beliefs, ideas, or behaviour.

e.g. Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism.

1. 主义:这有没有新一轮的冒进主义(Radicalism)之嫌,是不是新一轮的大跃进(Greater Leap)?以规划为代表,政府主导的城市或区域发展(Government-led Urban and Regional Development)明显,发展制度和机制非完整意义上的市场经济,

2. 政治/宗教激进主义:Racialism种族主义 | Radicalism 政治/宗教激进主义 | rationalism理性主义/唯理论

3. 过激主义:保守主义 conservatism | 过激主义 radicalism | 教条主义 dogmalism

Some historians, such as Charles and Mary Beard and Howard Zinn, stress its conservative character; others, like Gordon Wood, have insisted on its radicalism.(一些历史学家,如查尔斯、玛丽·比尔德和霍华德•津恩,强调它的保守特色;而另一些历史学家,如戈登·伍德,则坚持其激进主义。)
We are using the tools and techniques from SOA but no radicalism about it.(我们使用来自SOA的工具和技术,但并非是SOA激进派。)
Short of such radicalism, many people ask what is wrong with being a backwater of wealth and civility in an out-of-kilter world.(短的激进主义,很多人问什么是错的财富和文明已经在一个发挥有失水准的世界。)
The call was for radical solutions: if only there had been some radicalism on offer.(确实需要一些根本的解决方案:假如曾提供一点激进主义思想的话。)
And yet Nigeria has a rich history of radicalism.(无独有偶,尼日利亚的激进主义历史也很是悠久。)
An extra step from truth, thus, lands us in absurdity. That single word later gave RisE to both cultural radicalism and cultural nihilism.(真理向前多跨一步就是谬误。把“流传下来的”误为“传统的”,虽一词之差,却隐含着产生文化激进主义和文化虚无主义的危机。)
If we ignore internal drive of martial ethos, it will be impossible to characterize the whole picture of May 4th radicalism.(如果忽略尚武思潮这一内驱动力,我们就会失去对五四激进主义基本性质的科学描述与整体把握。)
Unable to dismiss his proposals as crazy radicalism, the other candidates have to be both bolder and more detailed than they would like.(其他候选人因为无法用狂妄激进主义来反驳他的提案,因此他/她们必须以同样地大胆及更详细的(超出他们原意的)计划来超越爱德华兹。)
Though there is no evidence that the general Palestinian mood is becoming violent, they discern a distinct rise in radicalism.(尽管没有证据表明巴勒斯坦人的情绪变得暴躁和极端,但他们清楚地看到巴勒斯坦内部正在上升的极端主义。)
Others, like Gordon Wood, have insisted on its radicalism.(而另一些历史学家,如戈登·伍德,则坚持其激进主义。)
radicalism是什么意思 radicalism在线翻译 radicalism什么意思 radicalism的意思 radicalism的翻译 radicalism的解释 radicalism的发音 radicalism的同义词