名词复数: qualities
名词复数: qualities
"the quality of mercy is not strained"
"the quality of students has risen"
"an executive of low caliber"
"each town has a quality all its own"
"the radical character of our demands"
"the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely"
"the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet"
"a man of quality"
"choice wines"
"prime beef"
"prize carnations"
"quality paper"
"select peaches"
"people of quality"
"a quality family"
They will make very nice tire-women to some lady of quality.sssss A. T. Ellis
出自:ssssF. Marryat误 David examined the qualities of the furniture.
正 David examined the quality of the furniture.
这家商店为其酒的质量自豪。误 The store is proud of the qualities of its wine.
正 The store is proud of the quality of its wine.
析 quality作“质量”解时通常用单数形式。
他具有成功商人的所有品质。误 He has all the quality of a successful businessman.
正 He has all the qualities of a successful businessman.
勇敢是一个好士兵的品质之一。误 Courage is one of the quality of a good soldier.
正 Courage is one of the qualities of a good soldier.
析 quality作“品质”解时是可数名词,以上两句应该用复数。
我们产品质量的稳步提高在很大程度上归功于设备的改进。误 The steady rise in the quantity of our products owes much to the improvement of the equipment.
正 The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of the equipment.
析 quantity是“数量”, quality才是“质量”,这两个词形似义不同。