1. a measuring instrument for measuring altitude of heavenly bodies
2. the area enclosed by two perpendicular radii of a circle
3. any of the four areas into which a plane is divided by two orthogonal coordinate axes
4. a quarter of the circumference of a circle
Synonym: quarter-circle
1. (圆或其他形状的)四分之一;象限
A quadrant is one of four equal parts into which a circle or other shape has been divided.
e.g. A symbol appears in an upper quadrant of the screen.
1. 象限:计数模式: 象限(Quadrant), 顺时针/逆时针(CW_CCW), 脉冲_方向模式(PULSE_DIR) . A+, A-, B+, B-, C+, C- 输入 . 可编程计数器功能 . 索引 (C通道) 复位计数器功能 . 硬件复位(HR1~HR6),复位计数器功能 . SCSI-II 68针连接器 订货信息 PISO-Encoder300 PCI 总线3轴编码输入板 可选附件 DN-68 DIN导轨安装端子板 CA-SCSI15 1
2. 四分仪:据英国<>2005年2月3日报道,英国QINETIQ公司日前公布了一种新型低成本空中交通监视系统,并命名为四分仪(QUADRANT). 该系统将有益于中小机场运作. 此项信息是本周在马斯河(MAASTRICHT)空中交通管制中心发布的.
3. 象限仪:07.053 光电中星仪 photoelectric transit instrument | 07.054 象限仪 quadrant | 07.055 天文坐标量测仪 astronomical coordinate measuring instrument
4. 圆四分之一处点:Polar 极坐标方式 | Quadrant 圆四分之一处点 | Sketch 任意点
5. quadrant
5. quadrant:quad; 象限
The circles were broken by four main aisles that divided the seating into four quadrants.
出自:M. Hughes