英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 16:33:44



英 [pʌlp]

美 [pʌlp]


v.使成为浆状;除去 ... 的果肉;把...制成纸浆

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除去 ... 的果肉

形容词: pulpous 名词: pulpiness 过去式: pulped 过去分词: pulped 现在分词: pulping 第三人称单数: pulps

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  • 纸浆
  • 果肉
  • 牙髓
  • 果泥
  • 菜泥
  • 动植物体内的肉质部分
  • 低级黄色书刊
  • 浆状物
  • 黏浆状物质
  • 粘浆状物质
  • 肉质部份
  • 【冶】矿浆
  • 庸俗杂志
  • 肉酱
  • 水果的肉质部分
  • 低级书刊
  • 有刺激性的通俗读物
  • 果子的柔软多汁部分
  • 使成浆
  • 使稀烂
  • 把…制成纸浆
  • 除去…的果肉
  • 除去…的果肉
  • 将…捣成浆
  • 把…捣成浆状
  • 取出果肉
  • 使化成纸浆
  • 变成纸浆
  • 使成为浆状
  • 成为浆状
  • (书刊等)低级趣味的
  • [U]水果的肉质部分;果肉 soft fleshy inner part of fruit;flesh
  • [U]纸浆 soft mass of wood fibre,used for making paper


1. the soft inner part of a tooth

2. an inexpensive magazine printed on poor quality paper

Synonym: pulp magazine

3. any soft or soggy mass

e.g. he pounded it to a pulp

Synonym: mush

4. a soft moist part of a fruit

Synonym: flesh

5. a mixture of cellulose fibers


1. reduce to pulp

e.g. pulp fruit
pulp wood

2. remove the pulp from, as from a fruit

1. 泥;酱;浆;糊
If an object is pressed into a pulp, it is crushed or beaten until it is soft, smooth, and wet.

e.g. The olives are crushed to a pulp by stone rollers.

2. 果肉;(蔬菜的)肉质部分
In fruit or vegetables, the pulp is the soft part inside the skin.

e.g. Make maximum use of the whole fruit, including the pulp which is high in fibre.

3. 木浆(造纸原料)
Wood pulp is material made from crushed wood. It is used to make paper.

4. (故事或小说)粗制滥造的,庸俗刺激的,耸人听闻的
People refer to stories or novels as pulp fiction when they consider them to be of poor quality and intentionally shocking or sensational.

e.g. ...lurid '50s pulp novels.

5. 把(纸张、蔬菜或水果)打成浆
If paper, vegetables, or fruit are pulped, they are crushed into a smooth, wet paste.

e.g. Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree.
e.g. ...creamed or pulped tomatoes.

6. 把(纸币或文件)化成浆
If money or documents are pulped, they are destroyed. This is done to stop the money being used or to stop the documents being seen by the public.

e.g. 25 million pounds worth of five pound notes have been pulped because the designers made a mistake.

7. 把…打得稀巴烂;把…打成重伤
If someone is beaten to a pulp or beaten to pulp, they are hit repeatedly until they are very badly injured.

e.g. I tried to talk myself out of a fight and got beaten to a pulp instead by three other boys.

1. 纸浆:现在造纸的纤维已大大减少了树本纤维的成分,而从其他植物和海洋植物中,提炼出可以制造纸张的纤维,务求造出来的纸张与传统的纸张,特性完全一样. 生产纸张主要分为两大工序,即制浆和造纸. 一、纸浆(Pulp) 当有适当的木材和植物纤维后...

2. 牙髓:4牙髓(Pulp) 一层软组织. 1前牙(Anterior teeth) 位于牙弓的前部,包括切牙和尖牙. 2后牙(Posterior teeth) 位于牙弓的后部,包括双尖牙和磨牙. 3嵴(Ridge) 为牙釉质的长线状隆起. 不同部位的嵴,有不同的名称. (出示尖牙及磨牙模型).

3. 髓:这是因为牙齿中心部位有软组织的存在, 富含血管和神经组织, 即牙髓(Pulp),也就是我们通常所说的牙神经. 牙髓对于牙齿来说很重要, 发挥着营养,感受,保护(疼痛也是一种保护机制)和再生(通过不断再生牙本质来抵消牙尖磨耗和病理性损耗)功能.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Squash the grapes into a pulp.
  • The company manufactures pulp and paper products.
  • Soak the onion..then grate it, reserving both pulp and juice.

    出自:L. Chamberlain
  • The windfall lay in the grass, softening to pulp in the heat.

    出自:R. Frame
  • The mud had not completely dried, and..eager feet..had already pulped it to a mire.

    出自:C. McCullough
  • The censors..pulped the entire first edition.

    出自:R. Christiansen
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The pulp becomes infected.(牙髓被感染。)
If decay is left untreated, it will reach the tooth's pulp.(如果龋坏没得到治疗,它将进入牙髓。)
It says water is added and then the mixture is heated and made into pulp.(这里说,要加水,然后加热混合物制成纸浆。)
Most paper is derived from the pulp of coniferous trees.(大多数纸是由针叶树的纸浆制成的。)
The skin and pulp once again slow down the release of sugars into the bloodstream because they're fibers.(因为它们是纤维,所以皮肤和果肉会再次减缓糖释放到血液中的速度。)
Too much pulp produces a sour wine.(过多的果肉会让酒变酸。)
This story has been beat to a pulp, but it's so ridiculous it's worth noting.(这个网站曾经被批评的体无完肤,但是很搞笑所以值得提一下。)
The fruit of this plant has a hard, prickly rind and soft pulp with an offensive odor but a pleasant taste.(这种植物的果实,果皮有硬刺,果肉柔软,气味难闻,但味道可口。)
I tried to talk myself out of a fight and got beaten to a pulp instead by three other boys.(我试图说服自己不要打架,结果却被另外3个男孩子打得遍体鳞伤。)
When you are ready, the pulp is mixed with water again.(当你准备好造纸时,将纸浆与水再次混合。)
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