pry into

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pry into

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:06:31

英 [prai ˈɪntuː]

美 [praɪ ˈɪntu]

pry into基本解释

窥探; 探问


  • 网络解释

1. 打听:pry about 窥探 | pry into 打听 | pry 探查


2. 窥探,探问:pry vi.细查;探问 | pry into窥探,探问 | pseudonym n.假名;笔名

3. 窥探:试用期转正confirmation of probation | 窥探pry into | 不可抗力force majeure

4. 细心察看:细节the ins and outs | 细心察看pry into ... | 下一天the day following

  • 临近词
It was in vain that Fortunato, uplifting his dull torch, endeavoured to pry into the depths of the recess.(福尔图纳托举起他手中昏暗的火把,尽力窥视凹洞深处,可他枉费了一番心机。)
As Adam Smith would no doubt have observed, just because the state can pry into electronic cash does not mean it should.(毫无疑问,亚当。斯密已经看到,尽管国家能够干预电子货币,并不意味着它就应该这样做。)
I don't like people to pry into my life for any reason.(我不喜欢别人窥探我的生活,不论理由多么好。)
Conditional upon my being assigned to pry into society or private scandals or rumors of them.(因为窥探社会或私人丑闻或谣言,我有条件地辞职。)
She likes to pry into private affairs of others.(她喜欢打听别人的私事。)
By skillful questioning, Socrates would pry into depths of one's system of beliefs, dragging out cherished certainties and displaying their ragged clothing.(通过巧妙的提问,苏格拉底往往得以窥见一个人信仰深处的东西,找出其所持的肯定观念,然后将其漏洞展现出来。)
Most modern misery literature, however, is the purest voyeurism, an opportunity to pry into the degradation of others through secondhand confessional of the most graphic and prurient sort.(然而,大多数的“悲剧文学”都是通过最生动、最淫秽的间接自述来趁机窥伺他人的落魄,都纯粹属于偷窥他人隐私之作。)
It was in vain that Fortunato, uplifting his dull torch, endeavoured to pry into the depth of the recess. Its termination the feeble light did not enable us to see.(福吐纳托举起昏暗的火把,尽力朝壁龛深处仔细探看,可就是白费劲,火光微弱,看不见底。)
This day it is not for me to pry into my LORD's secrets but patiently to wait His time, knowing this, that though I know nothing, my heavenly Father knows.(我们无需急于窥视天机,只要耐性等候上帝的时候,知道主必掌管明天,虽然我对未来一无所知,但上帝知道一切。)
We shouldn't pry into other people's affairs.(我们不应该窥探别人的隐私。)
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