The paper concludes with a number of perfecting China's existing housing provident fund system responses and Suggestions.(文章最后提出了一些完善我国现行住房公积金制度的对策和建议。)
Housing provident fund in relation to construction work in other areas of industry, is a new cause.(住房公积金工作相对于建设行业的其它领域,是一项新的事业。)
Can jointly apply for the purchase of second - hand housing provident fund loans?(购买二手房可否共同申请公积金贷款?。)
The housing provident fund system is a major part of housing security system in our country.(住房公积金管理制度是我国住房保障体系的重要组成部分。)
Counties (cities) shall not establish housing provident fund management centers.(县(市)不设立住房公积金管理中心。)
Question: in 2004 the housing provident fund deposit base of how to determine?(的问题:在2004年的住房公积金存款基础如何确定?)
As essential part of Chinese housing system, the system of housing provident fund arouses concerns of all walks of life.(住房公积金制度作为我国住房体系中的重要组成部分受到了大量的关注。)
My last job wage is 8000, only to pay provident fund.(我的上一份工作工资是8000,只交公积金。)
The article discusses the success and limitations of Housing Provident Fund in China.(这篇文章讨论了中国住房公积金的成功与局限。)
The victory always belongs to the person who has completely preparation and provident.(胜利总是属于有准备、有远见的那个人。)
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