producer group

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producer group

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:14:06
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producer group的反义词

1. The group promised further attacks on the petroleum industry in Africa's largest producer of crude oil.

2. Members of the Broad Group - a private air conditioner producer - heard Lin's call and opened an exhibit at the event.

3. The oil producer group's ministers also decided to meet next in September and not to call a further extraordinary meeting.

4. At the forefront of China's steel industry consolidation is Hebei Iron & Steel Group, the country's biggest steel producer by output.

5. New Hope Group is the nation's largest animal feed producer, but its profits from animal feed and a meat processing sideline are declining.

6. Dominant nickel producer Jinchuan Group Ltd plans to export less refined nickel this year because of higher export taxes.

7. Sinopec Group is China's largest producer and supplier of oil products and major petrochemical products.

8. Wind power producer China Longyuan Power Group Corp is developing solar projects to meet rising demand for clean energy.

9. Producer group OPEC on Tuesday became the latest forecaster to bump up global oil demand estimates.

10. Companies such as cooking oil producer Luhua Group and dairy company Mengniu Dairy need to get approval from the NDRC before raising prices.

producer group什么意思

1. We are also an important producer of copper, cobalt and precious and platinum-group metals and a major producer of specialty nickel-based products.

2. Jeff Chang - escape Producer: Jeff Chang/Lee Han group - Han Dynasty Manufacturing words: He Qihong song: Chen Zhongyi Director: Chen Yingrong goblets in your lip prints cover a tattoo is a heart-breaking cold cold front that swept into the heart pain unable to cross-border defense of a paralyzed hand was...

3. In order to memory these British educators and missionary, for they dedicated their treasure life to the education career in our china west region, Professor Daozi who is a now a professor and also an art critic organized this exhibition, he cooperated with Beijing Zhengguang artist group, and sponsored by Zhejiang Huafu Charitable Foundation, invited Christian artist including painter, sculpture, photographer and music producer to come to Shimen area to collect material in Guizhou and Nujiang Yunnan, they are moved by these missionaries's story, and they also knew the human cultural in Wumen mountain area of Miao and Lisu people, so when they come back they created a group of art works full of rich, fresh and profound thinking.

4. producer group的近义词

4. Packart and Rotanotice, Copapharm Europe SCRL shareholders and subsidiaries of the French group Ileos, have merged to form a new specialist pharmaceutical and healthcare packaging producer.
Packart和Rotanotice ,Copapharm欧洲SCRL股东和子公司的法国组Ileos ,已合并成一个新的专业制药和保健包装生产商。

5. The all-female musical group, created in 2005 by award-winning songwriter and producer, Yasushi Akimoto, has enjoyed much success and increased popularity over the course of their career.


7. New Star Education, certified by ISO9001 International Quality System Authentication, is a famous international franchise chain for children`s English education in China. Nowadays, it has developed into New Star Education Group, playing as an English training center for children, a developer of curriculum materials, a training center for managers and teachers, a producer of educational games and software programs, and a researcher of teaching methodology.

8. Previous July 14, headquartered in Belgium, the world`s largest beer maker InBev Group of high-priced acquisition of the nation`s largest beer producer, the world`s third Anheuser - Busch, emerged as the world`s largest beer producers, and the famous Budweiser beer brand, Harbin gobbled.

9. Program helping to make an overall manage the entire column group coming the producer are made.


10. During the process of photoshoot, the mainly action I did were juggle the ball, dribble and pass, headball and shooting in the air etc, and then taken the group of photos of holding the box of Gloden Throat in my hand. The producer also adopted my some suggestions such as: I dribble the tablet of Golden Throat, and then stoped it in my head.

11. The Kl? ckner Pentaplast Group is the world`s leading producer of films for pharmaceutical, medical device, food, electronics, and general-purpose thermoform packaging, as well as printing and specialty applications.
该Klockner Pentaplast Group是世界领先的生产,制药,医疗器械,食品,电子薄膜,通用加热成型包装以及印刷和专业应用。

12. Ckner Pentaplast Group is the world's leading producer of films for pharmaceutical, medical device, food, electronics, and general-purpose thermoform packaging, as well as printing and specialty applications.
关于克洛克纳Pentaplast公司集团Klockner Pentaplast Group是世界领先的生产,制药,医疗器械,食品,电子薄膜,通用加热成型包装以及印刷和专业应用。

13. producer group的近义词

13. The Van der Windt Group is owned by Clondalkin Group, which is an international producer of high value added packaging products and services.

14. Founded in 1998, Wanxinda Enterprise Group is the leading producer of CD holder in the world.


15. This month alone, two big companies, Smart Union Group, a toymaker, and FerroChina, a steel producer, have gone into liquidation.

16. Unsa has established itself as one of the leading manufactures of bulk bags in the world, which is a recognized FIBC producer with its group of companies covering Europe, the Unite States and the Pacific Region.

17. The chemical plant of it, which has more than 20 years history of triphenyl phosphate production and with capacity of 4, 000 tons/year, is our fine chemical production base and the biggest professional TPP plant. It is also the only one of refine naphthalene producer in Hebei Province with yields of 10, 000 tons/years, Our group has sufficient raw material supply for its own production.

18. TaiShan Construction Machinery Group Co., Ltd. is a professional producer of pipelayer.

19. producer group的反义词

19. In one direction is the mill of Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, a subsidiary of APP, part of the Sinar Mas group; in the other that of APRIL, Sumatra`s other big pulp-and-paper producer

20. producer group的反义词

20. With an annual production capacity of approximately 70 million tons of cement, italcementi group is the world`s fifth largest cement producer and the leader in the mediterranean area. the parent company, italcementi s. p. a., is one of italy`s 10 largest industrial companies.

  • 临近词
Using this event producer, an application can verify the status of a Volume Group on the disk, with the LVM subsystem.(通过使用本事件创造器,应用程序可以通过lvm子系统验证磁盘上VolumeGroup的状态。)
BG Group Plc, the U.K. 's third-largest natural-gas producer, jumped 2.9 percent to 1,245.5 pence after it posted third-quarter profit that rose 12 percent on higher domestic gas prices.(英国第三大天然气生产商英国天然气集团股价上涨2.9%,至1245便士,此前该集团公布第三季度利润增加12%,主要是因为国内天然气价格上涨。)
For a producer Group do you maintain a current organic certification for each producer location and field requesting JAS certification?(对于生产队,是否保存了要求JAS认证的每个生产者和田块最近的有机证书?)
The world gold Council, a producer group supported by the world's biggest miners, may start selling gold-backed securities in Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and India.(世界金委员会,一生产者组以世界大矿工支援,可能开始出售在义大利,德国,比利时,荷兰,卢森堡和印度内的黄金支援的抵押品。)
Sanyuan, a Beijing-based dairy producer, has announced that it would not compete in the 2nd auction for other assets of bankrupt Sanlu Group, which will be held Tuesday.(三鹿集团的第2批破产资产将于7日拍卖,三元股份已宣布放弃参拍。)
In Hungary, the Wanhua Industrial Group recently acquired a strategic stake in BorsodChem, a leading polyurethane producer in Central and Eastern Europe.(在匈牙利,万华集团最近刚完成对博苏化学的战略收购,后者是中东欧一家主要的聚氨酯制造商。)
The key player in this high-stakes game is Baotou Steel rare earth (Group) Hi-tech Co., from Inner Mongolia - the world's largest producer of rare earth elements.(这场高风险游戏里的核心玩家则是内蒙古的包头钢铁稀土(集团)高科技公司,它是世界上最大的稀土矿生产商。)
Last week, the largest steel producer, Hebei Iron and steel Group, announced plans to trim output by 6%.(上个星期,其中最大的钢铁企业——河北钢铁集团,宣布计划减产6%。)
Fonterra was a partial owner of Sanlu Group, the now defunct dairy producer that was a main source of the tainted formula.(恒天然也是三鹿集团(现已倒闭)的乳制品生产商的奶源供应商之一。)
SGL CARBON GROUP is the largest producer of carbon and graphite products worldwide.(碳制品集团公司,是全世界碳制品与石墨产品最大的生产商。)
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