副词: probingly 名词: prober 过去式: probed 过去分词: probed 现在分词: probing 第三人称单数: probes
副词: probingly 名词: prober 过去式: probed 过去分词: probed 现在分词: probing 第三人称单数: probes
1. an investigation conducted using a flexible surgical instrument to explore an injury or a body cavity
2. an exploratory action or expedition
3. a flexible slender surgical instrument with a blunt end that is used to explore wounds or body cavities
4. an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities
e.g. there was a congressional probe into the scandal
Synonym: investigation
1. question or examine thoroughly and closely
Synonym: examine
2. examine physically with or as if with a probe
e.g. probe an anthill
Synonym: dig intopoke into
1. 调查;打探;探究;探听
If you probe into something, you ask questions or try to discover facts about it.
e.g. The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become...
e.g. For three years, I have probed for understanding...
2. (医生或牙医用细长的工具)探查,检查,探测
If a doctor or dentist probes, he or she uses a long instrument to examine part of a patient's body.
e.g. The surgeon would pick up his instruments, probe, repair and stitch up again...
e.g. Dr Amid probed around the sensitive area...
3. (医生和牙医用的)探针
A probe is a long thin instrument that doctors and dentists use to examine parts of the body.
e.g. ...a fibre-optic probe.
4. 搜寻;搜查
If you probe a place, you search it in order to find someone or something that you are looking for.
e.g. A flashlight beam probed the underbrush only yards away from their hiding place...
e.g. I probed around for some time in the bushes.
5. 侦察,侦探(敌情)
In a conflict such as a war, if one side probes another side's defences, they try to find their weaknesses, for example by attacking them in specific areas using a small number of troops.
e.g. He probes the enemy's weak positions, ignoring his strongholds...
e.g. Squads of prison officers have been probing the rioters' defences.
6. 航天探测器;太空探测器
A space probe is a spacecraft which travels into space with no people in it, usually in order to study the planets and send information about them back to earth.
e.g. Its rings were discovered by telescope from Earth, but space probes later found that spectacular rings surround some other planets...
e.g. The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuring light that we can't measure on the earth.
1. 探头:超声的发生和接收是根据压电效应(Piezoelectric effect)的原理,由超声诊断仪的换能器 (Transducer)--探头(Probe)来完成的. 1880年,法国物理学家居里兄弟(Curie,P. D.)发现了压电效应,故压电效应又称居里效应.
2. 探索:授 权技巧 探索(Probe): : 探索 有技巧的运用询问的方法,去了解部属对所授权的工 作已经知道多少,并设法了解部属将如何处理这份工作. 倾听(Listen): : 倾听 部属可能已经有了一些与你相近或进一步的想法.重 述这些想法,
3. 探测器:只要给予探测器(probe)足够的资源,则探测器(probe)会潜在持续的执行诊断与纪录网络效能,只要在网络上因错误发生事件时,探测器(probe)会立即通知管理站台并提供有关该错误事件的所有资讯、历史统计等资料.
A radar probe of the Martian surface.
出自:IcarusLet others probe the mystery if they can.
出自:T. RoethkeA period of intense letter-writing, during which they endlessly probed one another's characters.
出自:D. Arkell