
好工具 > 单词大全 > power-free


更新时间:2025-03-11 00:12:35
  • 双语例句

1. Maximization of cruise missile s terminal power-free glide distance has a great significance to raise its tactical index.

2. Free of movable part, stable measurement, and application in power-free field.

3. power-free的反义词

3. Base on the natural and economical situation, the model of power-free Combining with natural treatment is the suitable for the pig waste treatment in China.

4. power-free

4. Three models of pig waste treatment, returning cropland, power-free combining with natural treatment, mechanization treatment, were put forward in this paper.

5. The fluid mixture process has been studied under power-free driven technology through designs of chip structure and numerical analysis. Then the fluidity, fluid velocity and reaction sufficiency of immunoreaction has been studied based on this chip platform. The results have been validated and the sensitivity has been effectively improved.


6. The air conditioner has simple, compact and reasonable structure, power-free and noise-less heat transmission.

7. The thesis setup a set of experiment to investigate the heat dissipation in a fan-less (which also refer to noise-free and power-free thermal management method) LED Back-lighting Unit. The reason of deviation between FEM simulation data and experimental data will be understood by traditional heat transfer theorem.
本论文建立一组实验用以评估一无扇式(也即意味著无杂讯及无功率之散热处理法) LED背光板的散热问题,并用传统热传理论了解FEM法模拟数据及实验数据的差异原因。

8. Maximization of cruise missile's terminal power-free glide distance has a great significance to raise its tactical index.

And if cars switch from oil to electricity, the demand for power generated from carbon-free sources will increase still further.(如果汽车由石油驱动改为电驱动的话,对于碳素燃料所产生的电能的需求将会增长许多。)
That is a sobering thought in a world ready to re-embrace relatively carbon-free nuclear power.(那在一个准备重新回归相关无碳核动力的世界里是一种清醒的认识。)
It's exercising your power to be free right now that allows you to choose working for yourself.(你可以为自己工作,因为你掌控着自己的自由。)
But some oppose the provision that would allocate free emission permits to utilities, power plants, and other industrial facilities through 2036.(但也有些议员反对规定直到2036,免费排放许可证可以发给公用设施,发电厂及其它工业设施。)
Say goodbye to plugs and cables - the era of wire-free power has moved a step closer, after scientists showed how mobile phones and televisions could be powered using simple physics.(跟插头和电线说再见吧——在科学家们给我们演示完移动电话和电视是怎样通过简单的物理原理来无线充电后,这意味着无线电力的时代离我们的生活更近了。)
Wind power may be free, goes an industry adage, but it is far from cheap.(正如这个行业的谚语所说,风可以是免费的,又是非常昂贵的。)
How can you begin to release your power and control over others to free yourself up to become the elder... the one who knows but does not act or teach?(如何才能解放你对家庭成员过度的控制与权威?如此,怎样解放自己而变得善解人意,而不仅仅只有说教?)
The resulting pollution-free energy will be enough to power the tower and several buildings in the surrounding area.(由此产生的无污染能源将足以为整座塔及周边若干建筑进行供电。)
It will apply to the consumption of petrol, gas and coal, but not to electricity, on the ground that France generates 80% of its electricity from almost carbon-free nuclear power.(这项税费将对汽油,天然气和煤等化石燃料而非电征收,因为法国80%的电力来自于不产生碳的核电站。)
In cities like Amsterdam for instance, where bicycles are probably the most common means of transportation, the supply of free, environmentally friendly power is pretty much limitless.(比如在像阿姆斯特丹这样的城市里,自行车可能是最常见的交通工具,这样便能无限制地提供免费的环境友好型能源了。)
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