英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:52:20



英 [ˈpɒtəri]

美 [ˈpɑ:təri]


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名词复数: potteries

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  • 陶器
  • 陶器厂
  • 陶器制造(术)
  • 陶土
  • 制陶手艺
  • 制陶技艺
  • 制陶作坊
  • 陶窑
  • 陶器类
  • 陶器制造(法)
  • 陶制品
  • 陶器器皿
  • 陶器场
  • 制陶车间,制陶厂
  • [U]陶器,陶器器皿 earthenware pots,etc. made by hand
  • [U]陶器制造(术) craft of making pots,especially by hand
  • [C]陶器厂 place where pottery is made


1. the craft of making earthenware

2. ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln

Synonym: clayware

3. a workshop where clayware is made

1. 陶器;陶瓷器皿
You can use pottery to refer to pots, dishes, and other objects which are made from clay and then baked in an oven until they are hard.

2. 陶土;黏土
You can use pottery to refer to the hard clay that some pots, dishes, and other objects are made of.

e.g. Some bowls were made of pottery and wood.

3. 制陶手艺;陶艺;陶瓷制造
Pottery is the craft or activity of making objects out of clay.

4. 陶器工厂;陶器作坊;陶窑
A pottery is a factory or other place where pottery is made.


1. 陶器:陶磁器物质例如磁砖(Tiles)、陶器(Pottery)等,经常包含浓缩的天然放射性物质,如铀(Uranium)、钍(Thorium)及钾(Potassium),在许多情况是在加釉(Glaze)过程而将放射活度浓缩了,大部份的陶磁器其辐射量测值几乎与背景值相同,

2. 陶藝:西安美术学院特教学院学生夏荣虎、刘珍分别代表中国参加了陶艺(Pottery)和水彩绘画(Painting)的竞赛赛事,同时我国还派出四名裁判(见图2)分别负责担任此次竞赛中裁判工作和其他参赛选手的翻译工作(见图3-1、3-2).


3. 陶:陶瓷艺术( Ceramics, ) 是中国的独特的,民族的,和具有国际影响的,陶(Pottery)和瓷(Porcelain)是两种工艺产品. 同世界上一切古老文明一样,中国早在新石器时期(大约在公元前20000年),就开始出现了陶器,包括黑陶,彩陶等等;

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • His collection of ancient pottery is turning one hundred pieces.
  • My sister likes to learn art pottery in her spare time.
  • The bank refused further credit to the pottery.
  • Because I was firing my kiln this morning, I wasn't able to leave the pottery.

    出自:P. Gzowski
  • 词义讲解

pottery, kettle, pot
  • pot是“壶的总称”, kettle特指“茶壶”,而pottery则是“陶器的总称”,即kettle是pot中的一种,而pot是pottery中的一种。
  • 相关列句
    I refer to the thousands of pottery vessels and ancient lamps that are essentially duplicates of one another.(我指的是成千上万的陶器器皿和古老的灯,它们基本上是一个接一个的复制品。)
    By pottery painting, students can improve themselves in many ways.(通过陶艺绘画,学生可以在很多方面提高自己。)
    The school has also set up several art corners to show the pottery.(学校还设立了几个艺术角来展示陶艺。)
    He became interested in sculpting and pottery.(他变得对雕刻和制陶感兴趣了。)
    They were all encouraged to paint pictures on the pottery, even though some students didn't know how to paint.(尽管有些学生不会画画,他们还是被鼓励在陶器上画画。)
    But maps that show the various spots where Roman pottery of a particular type has been found tell only part of the story.(地图显示了某一特定类型的罗马陶器被发现的不同地点,但它只讲述了故事的一部分。)
    The chief handicrafts of this country are pottery and wood carving.(这个国家的主要手工艺是陶器和木雕。)
    Glaser says the widespread presence of pottery confirms the soil's human origins.(格拉泽说,陶器的广泛存在证实了土壤的人类起源。)
    Pottery used to play an important role in the daily lives of Chinese people.(陶器在中国人的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。)
    I've been taking classes in pottery.(我一直在上陶器制作技术课。)
    pottery是什么意思 pottery在线翻译 pottery什么意思 pottery的意思 pottery的翻译 pottery的解释 pottery的发音 pottery的同义词