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更新时间:2025-03-10 18:25:48



英 [ˈpɒlən]

美 [ˈpɑ:lən]



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  • 【植】花粉
  • 【昆】粉面(双翅目昆虫的易落粉)
  • 粉霜
  • 给...传授花粉
  • 用花粉掩盖


1. the fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering plant

1. 花粉
Pollen is a fine powder produced by flowers. It fertilizes other flowers of the same species so that they produce seeds.

1. 花粉:牲 征: 花粉(Pollen)是花的雄性生殖细胞,通俗地说就是植物的精子,是植物生命的精华所在. 花粉担负着植物繁殖后代延续族群生命的伟大使命. 花粉的细胞核中,含有大量的生

2. 花粉花粉:3 6蜂花粉花粉(Pollen)是种子植物体上的雄性生殖细胞. 蜂花粉系蜜蜂采自植物花朵雄蕊的花粉,营养成份全面,除含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物外,还富含氨基酸、多种维生素和活性酶以及核酸、矿物元素、胡萝h素等,是一种天然的营养源.

3. 花粉;传花粉给:plumbing system 管道设备,水暖设备系统 | pollen 花粉;传花粉给 | pollinate 对...授粉

4. 花粉 pine 松:stalk 花柄 | pollen 花粉 pine 松 | cerdar 雪松类

If you have pollen allergies, you should either avoid flowering plants or snip off the flower buds as soon as they appear.(如果您对花粉过敏,您应该避免开花植物,或者在它们出现后,立即剪掉它们。)
Many people are allergic to airborne pollutants such as pollen.(许多人对空气中花粉之类的污染物质过敏。)
Another problematic method is to reconstruct former climates on the basis of pollen profiles.(另一种有问题的方法是根据花粉谱重建以前的气候。)
A MERV rating tells you how well the filter can remove pollen and mold from the air as it passes through.(MERV等级可以让你知道当花粉和霉菌在空气中传播时,过滤器将如何将之过滤。)
A midge gathers pollen from a cacao flower by sticking its head inside a "petal pouch" that contains both pollen and a sticky nectar reward.(一只摇蚊把它的头伸进一个“花瓣囊”里,收集可可花的花粉,“花瓣囊”里既有花粉,也有粘稠的花蜜。)
The pollen viability of Miscanthus sinensis was determined by in vitro pollen germination method.(采用离体花粉萌发法测定了芒豆的花粉活力。)
Then there is fossilized pollen, from low shrubs and grasses that once grew in the Sahara.(还有一些石化的花粉,来自于曾经生长在撒哈拉的小灌木丛和草丛。)
When, in experiments, these caterpillars were fed milkweed leaves dusted with pollen from modified maize plants, they died.(在实验中,这些毛毛虫被喂食沾有转基因玉米花粉的马利筋叶子,然后它们死亡了。)
And pollen can blow for miles.(并且花粉可被风吹行数英里。)
Milk was used as material for fermentation and pollen polysaccharide was added into to produce yoghourt.(以牛乳为原料进行发酵,并添加花粉多糖研制多糖酸奶。)
pollen是什么意思 pollen在线翻译 pollen什么意思 pollen的意思 pollen的翻译 pollen的解释 pollen的发音 pollen的同义词