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更新时间:2025-03-03 15:46:24


英 [pəˈlemɪkl]

美 [pəˈlɛmɪkl:]


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  • 争论的
  • 好争论的
  • 挑起辩论的
  • 辩论法的
  • 辩论术的
  • 挑起争端的
  • 辩论的
  • =polemic


1. of or involving dispute or controversy

Synonym: polemic

1. 辩论法:polemic 争论的 | polemical 辩论法 | polemically 善于辩论的人

2. 好辩论的:poleforpuntingboats 篙 | polemical 好辩论的 | polemicistpolemist 善辩论者

3. 引起论战的:polemic 争论,论战 | polemical 引起论战的 | polish improve;perfect 润色

4. 争论的/好辩论的:polemic /辩驳/ | polemical /争论的/好辩论的/ | polemicist /善辩论者/

  • 经典引文

  • He had acquired something of a reputation as a polemical journalist with a sharp tongue.

    出自:P. Zweig
  • Far from being authorially neutral..it is overtly polemical.

    出自:Karl Miller
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Arguments cannot be solely polemical, but must derive from a clear, well-supported evaluation of the texts, lecture materials, videos or films.(论证不能仅仅是辩驳,必须建立对课文、讲课资料、录像或影片的清楚且论据充分的评价基础上。)
It is a sparkling book, with little gems of polemical fire scattered through almost every page, ranging from bright wit to the hard glitter of logic to the quiet radiance of a profound understanding.(这是一本出色的作品,几乎每一页都流露着思想的火花,既有明亮的智慧,又有艰深的逻辑光辉,还有深刻理解散发出的宁静光芒。)
Of the numerous polemical works directed against the Jews, only a few can be mentioned here.(许多争论的作品针对犹太人的,只有少数几个可以在这里提及。)
The style is more observational than polemical.(它是观察式的,不是辩论式的。)
In his latest book, the professor of philosophy at London's Birkbeck College deploys all his polemical powers to show that there has been no let-up in the erosion of hard-won civil liberties.(在其最新著作中,这位伦敦大学伯克贝克学院的哲学教授倾其辩论之能,表明艰苦赢得的公民自由所受侵蚀并未减少。)
Daniels is at his best when he's cool and direct, rather than combative and polemical.(丹尼尔斯冷静、坦率时表现最好,而好斗、爱辩时则不然。)
This article represents a broad and occasionally polemical meditation on the nature and significance of creative cities.(本文代表对创意城市的性质和重要性所进行的一种宽泛而偶然的辩证性思考。)
The letter was probably written for polemical impact. It is scarcely credible.(这封信可能是为了起到引发争论的效果,内容并不可信。)
After the airing of the polemical documentary on Swedish TV, Mr Kamprad retorted that "tax efficiency" was a natural part of the company's low-cost culture.(在瑞典电视台播出这部有争议性的纪录片之后,Kamprad先生辩解道“税务效率”是宜家公司低价文化的天然组成部分。)
In Ulf Meyer's previous article, "Architecture of a Thousand Pinpricks," the tone was deliberately polemical.(梅尔在他的文章《一千点的建筑》中故意使用了挑衅的语气。)
polemical是什么意思 polemical在线翻译 polemical什么意思 polemical的意思 polemical的翻译 polemical的解释 polemical的发音 polemical的同义词