poke fun at

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poke fun at

英 [pəuk fʌn æt]

美 [pok fʌn æt]

poke fun at基本解释

拿 ... 开玩笑; 取笑; 嘲弄


  • 网络解释

1. 拿...开心:play it by ear 现场发挥 | poke fun at 拿...开心 | pull oneself together 调整,适应


2. 取笑:point out 指出 264 | poke fun at 取笑 148 | police in riot gear 身着防暴制服的警察 74

3. 取笑,嘲笑:853poken. 刺,戳,袋; v. 拨开,刺,探索 | 854poke fun at取笑,嘲笑 | 855polara. 两极的,南辕北辙的,极地的

4. 嘲弄; 取笑:make fun of sb. 嘲弄; 取笑 | poke fun at 嘲弄; 取笑 | not see the fun 看不出有什么乐趣的地方 缺乏幽默感

  • 临近词
It has been a long-standing practice to poke fun at our cultural ICONS, symbols, public figures and celebrities.(拿文化偶像、标志、公众人物和名人来开涮,历来有之。)
Manning has dared to dress up before, donning wigs and mustaches to poke fun at himself.(曼宁此前也曾勇敢地侨装一新,带着假发和胡须自我取笑。)
My friends often poke fun at my accent.(朋友们常常打趣我的口音。)
For most wage slaves forced to pretend they are having fun at work, the only relief is to poke fun at their tormentors.(但是如此的胜利是少数,更多的人们迫于生计,只得在工作中强颜欢笑,对于他们来说,唯一的宽慰就是拿他们的上司开开玩笑。)
The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to poke fun at good-humoredly.(这些动词的中心意思都有。善意地取笑。)
He suggested I go on the Johnny Carson show and poke fun at myself.(他建议我参加约翰尼·卡森的节目,并拿自己开涮。)
This is not because God created them to poke fun at us; it is because humans and chimps are descended from the same relatively recent primitive ape.(这并不是因为上帝创造它们来嘲笑我们;而是因为人类和黑猩猩都是同一个比较近期的原始猿人的后裔。)
Her novels poke fun at the upper class.(她的小说嘲弄上流社会。)
Stop taking life and conversations so seriously and learn to open up, and poke fun at yourself and others.(不要老是把生活和谈话搞得过于严肃和认真,试着敞开自己的心灵,在调侃你自己和别人的玩笑话中制造快乐。)
No sooner was the mouth finished than it began to laugh and poke fun at him.(嘴巴还没做完,它就开始笑了起来,还取笑他。)
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