英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:44:22



英 [ˈplʌmɪt]

美 [ˈplʌmɪt]



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过去式: plummeted 过去分词: plummeted 现在分词: plummeting 第三人称单数: plummets

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1. the metal bob of a plumb line

Synonym: plumb bobplumb


1. drop sharply

e.g. The stock market plummeted

Synonym: plump

1. (数量、比率或价格)骤然下跌,暴跌
If an amount, rate, or price plummets, it decreases quickly by a large amount.


e.g. In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day...
e.g. The Prime Minister's popularity has plummeted to an all-time low in recent weeks...

2. (通常指从高处)快速落下,陡直掉下
If someone or something plummets, they fall very fast towards the ground, usually from a great height.

e.g. The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground...
e.g. The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment.

1. 骤然跌落:票面价值 par value | 骤然跌落 plummet | 集合基金 pool

2. 垂直落下,骤然跌落,暴跌:10.buying spree 狂购乱买 | 11.plummet 垂直落下,骤然跌落,暴跌 | 12.stall 停滞

3. plummet的意思

3. 大幅下跌;暴泻;直线下降:plough back 把利润再投资 | plummet 大幅下跌;暴泻;直线下降 | plunge 大跌;急挫

4. plummet的解释

4. 铅锤:plummet 测锤 | plummet 铅锤 | plummet 铅垂线

  • 经典引文

  • My son i' th' ooze is bedded; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded.

  • The greatest depths..reached with the plummet are in the North Atlantic.

    出自:M. F. Maury
  • The fatal flight that plummeted her into the sea from lightning-swept skies.

    出自:Sun (Baltimore)
  • It plummeted fifteen storeys and smashed itself..on the ground below.

    出自:D. Adams
  • Anglo-Soviet relations plummeted from relatively cordial to relatively chilly.

    出自:R. Owen
Everyone expects Broadway's box office to plummet in September.(大家都预料到9月百老汇的票房会大幅下跌。)
Threats: Disease and climate change have seen populations plummet by up to 80%.(威胁:疾病和气候变化已经使其数量直线降落高达80%。)
The word refers to the rapid plummet of women’s reproductive hormones around age fifty.(“更年期”一词指的是五十岁左右的妇女其生殖激素快速下降。)
Now water tables plummet in countries harboring half the world's population.(现在世界一半人口不得不正视这样一个事实:因为过度汲取地下水,他们所在的国家的地下水位急剧下降。)
Although the average temperature is-25C, it can plummet to -40 or soar to zero in the summer.(尽管这里的平均气温是零下25摄氏度,最冷时会降到零下40度,夏季时升到零度左右。)
Inother words, a planet that grays indefinitely is clearly asking for trouble. But birth rates don't have to plummet forever.(换句话说,一个灰白的星球显然会陷入麻烦之中,但是出生率不见得会一直下降。)
This time, we will not plummet down and then bounce back comfortably to where we were before it all started.(这一次,我们将不会直线下降继而舒服地弹回原地,这回的萧条会有不同寻常的深远影响。)
But exports continue to plummet, dropping nearly 23 percent in April from the same month last year.(但是出口继续下滑,4月份出口跟去年同比下降近百分之23。)
Wider economic ills in Europe have given investors further pause, causing European demand for solar panels to plummet.(欧洲经济进一步的恶化使得投资者踌躇不前,导致欧洲对太阳能电池板的需求直线下降。)
Of course, wealthy countries are affected: long-term drought in Australia has caused certain crop yields to plummet.(当然了,富裕国家也受到了影响:长期的干旱已经造成澳大利亚农作物产量暴跌。)
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