形容词: pleadable 副词: pleadingly 名词: pleader 过去式: pleaded/pled 过去分词: pleaded/pled 现在分词: pleading 第三人称单数: pleads
形容词: pleadable 副词: pleadingly 名词: pleader 过去式: pleaded/pled 过去分词: pleaded/pled 现在分词: pleading 第三人称单数: pleads
1. appeal or request earnestly
e.g. I pleaded with him to stop
2. enter a plea, as in courts of law
e.g. She pleaded not guilty
3. offer as an excuse or plea
e.g. She was pleading insanity
4. make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts
1. 恳求;请求
If you plead with someone to do something, you ask them in an intense, emotional way to do it.
e.g. The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home...
e.g. He was kneeling on the floor pleading for mercy...
2. 作(有罪或无罪的)答辩
When someone charged with a crime pleads guilty or not guilty in a court of law, they officially state that they are guilty or not guilty of the crime.
e.g. Morris had pleaded guilty to robbery.
3. 为…辩护;维护;声援
If you plead the case or cause of someone or something, you speak out in their support or defence.
e.g. He appeared before the Committee to plead his case...
e.g. He would plead the cause of Russian unity.
4. 提出…为理由;把…作为借口
If you plead a particular thing as the reason for doing or not doing something, you give it as your excuse.
e.g. Mr Burke, pleading poverty, changed his mind...
e.g. Mr Giles pleads ignorance as his excuse...
1. 恳求:来到黑瓦公司,佐伊向办公室服务员表明自己的来意,但对方说海伦娜不在这里,让她明天再来,信以为真的佐伊正准备离开,前方屏幕突然显示一名女子被关押着,佐伊猜测服务员在撒谎,于是恳求(Plead)她寻找一下是否有海伦娜留下的公文包,
2. 抗辩:其中respondent和suitor往往指婚姻案中的原被告,而corespondent 指的是第三者,原告和被告统称为诉讼当事人(litigant),原告对被告的动作叫做起诉(accuse/ prosecute),被告在法庭可以进行抗辩(plead).
3. 辩护:/pick (拾取) | /plead (辩护) | /point (指向)
4. plead什么意思
4. 申诉,辩护:plaintiff(民事)原告 | plead申诉,辩护 | probation缓刑.察看
Are you ready to plead against the case offered by the defendant?
O that one might plead for a man with God.
出自:Bible (AV): Job