play back

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play back

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:10:46

[plei bæk]

play back基本解释

重新播放; 回放(唱片、磁带等)


  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. reproduce (a recording) on a recorder

e.g. The lawyers played back the conversation to show that their client was innocent

Synonym: replay

1. (录完后)播放,放送(磁带、电影等)
When you play back a tape or film, you listen to the sounds or watch the pictures after recording them.

play back的意思

e.g. He bought an answering machine that plays back his messages when he calls...
e.g. Ted might benefit from hearing his own voice recorded and played back...

1. play back的解释

1. 回放:6、 目前市面采用MPEG-4压缩方式的数字监控产品中,有的是运用微软现有的MPEG-4执行档,有的自行编写或采用其它单位(如信息工业策进会、大专院校信息系等)撰写的MPEG-4程序,多未能达成多路实时(Real Time)录像与回放(Play Back)的要求,更难保障图

2. 重新播放:所以整个播放影音的流程就是首先由media object开始播放,接著把媒体串流经由path送至sink,sink会经由音效卡等装置重新播放(play back)影音.


3. 再现:plauenite 钾正长岩 | play back 再现 | plazolite 无色榴石

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
As the sadness and finality set in, my instinct was to play back the tapes in my mind -all the little ways I let him down.(意识到一切已成定局,内心充满悲伤,我本能的反应是回忆当初发生的一切——当初我令他失望地点点滴滴。)
Once that's done, the DataLine.Info object is fed to the AudioSystem to get a clip, which is the easiest way to play back an audio clip.(一旦完成,DataLine.Info对象就提供给AudioSystem,得到一个Clip,这是播放音频片段最简单的方法。)
You can either play back the generated script as-is, or you can edit the script in some fashion to better suit your needs.(你要么将产生的这个脚本进行回放,要么以某种特定的方式编辑这个脚本使它更好地适应你的需求。)
Why do my videos recorded with xvidcap play back too fast?(为什么我录的视频回放的时候会很快?)
Testers can record and play back on such applications and generate test scripts.(测试人员可以记录并作用于这样的应用程序上,从而产生测试脚本。)
I am going to play back part of the statement you made to the police.(我打算重放一遍你对警方作的那部分供词。)
Furthermore, you can record and play back SAP applications accessible from a Web interface (by generating SAP Web constructs).(此外,您还可以从一个Web接口(通过生成SAPWeb构建)记录和回放SAP应用程序。)
Various automation tools enable testers to record and play back a test script and then to reuse the same script at a later time.(各式各样的自动化工具使得测试员可以记录并测试一条记录,然后在稍后的时间内重复使用相同的脚本。)
It'll play back MP3, OGG, MP4, and 3gpp files, and offers up basic playlist and gesture support.(它能播放MP3,OGG,MP4和3gpp文件,并提供了基本的播放列表支持。)
When finished, I hung up the phone, and the result was a simple slide show that anyone in my family could play back with ease.(当全部结束后,我挂断电话,这样就制作了一组简单的幻灯片,所有的家人都能够轻松回放。)
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