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更新时间:2025-03-17 15:54:32


英 [fɪˈlætəli]

美 [fɪˈlætli]


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形容词: philatelic 副词: philatelically 名词: philatelist

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1. the collection and study of postage stamps

Synonym: stamp collectingstamp collection

1. 集邮
Philately is the hobby of collecting and learning about postage stamps.

1. 集邮:[乌龙BBS](洛城冰牛奶茶坊-----美国南加州洛杉矶第一大华人部落格 -by ) 集邮(Philately)天地---方寸之间的乐趣引用:从小就养成集邮的习惯,从清朝到民国,从日韩到瓯美,集邮册也从一本激增到二十几本,到了美国之后,偶尔看到漂亮邮票,

2. philately在线翻译

2. 集邮业务:邮趣廊精品 Postshop products | 集邮业务 PHILATELY | 邮品订购服务Local Standing Order Service

3. 集邮, 集邮的兴趣 (名):philatelist 集邮家 (名) | philately 集邮, 集邮的兴趣 (名) | Philemon 腓利门 (名)

Value-added tax is levied on the production and allocation of philately commodities.(集邮商品的生产、调拨征收增值税。)
Although philately is not a scheme to get rich quick, if you try to do so, you must duly consider the economic growth potential and population of a certain country.(尽管集邮不能使你快速致富,但是如果你要尝试集邮,你就必须适当考虑该国的经济增长潜力和人口的多少。)
Philately is the study and collection of stamps.(集邮是对邮票进行收集和研究。)
We enjoy the fun of philately and we wish for peace and happiness for the people around the world.(我们在收藏中享受乐趣,也祝愿世界人民收藏平安和幸福。)
The word philately was invented by a French stamp collector named George Herpin and proposed in a French stamp collecting magazine in 1864.(单词Philately是由一个叫乔治·海尔宾的法国集邮者创造的,并在1864年的一本法国集邮杂志上得到推荐。)
I have enjoyed philately three years ago.(我三年前就开始喜欢集邮了。)
Although philately is one of the most popular hobbies in the world, the average age of collectors is increasing, and the future of philately rests with today's youth.(虽然集邮是世界上最普遍的爱好之一,但是集邮人士的平均年龄在上升,集邮前景如何将有赖于今日的年轻人。)
My son likes going to the main post office. They have a philately counter where he can buy stamps for his collection.(我儿子喜欢去主要的邮局,因为那有集邮柜台,他可以在那买到邮票来收集。)
The second half of the word philately comes from the Greek ateleia meaning “tax exemption.”(单词Philately的后半部分文来自于希腊语ateleia,意思为“免税”。)
The world of philately soon got to know the rings.(集邮界很快就知道了奥运五环标志。)
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