The pervious effect produced by underground water has two attributes and imposes more influence on water pressure than on effective soil pressure.(地下水产生的渗流效应具有两重性,其对水压力的影响大于对有效土压力的影响。)
For DAMS built on pervious foundations, upstream blankets are often used as one of the measures of seepage control.(在透水地基上筑堤坝时,铺盖是常采用的防渗措施之一。)
The practice showed that the application of the principles of pervious lining tunnel to the design and analysis is feasible and reasonable.(实践证明,运用透水衬砌隧洞的原理进行设计和分析是可行的,合理的。)
The comparison and analysis on the finite element method and the boundary element method of high-pressure pervious lining tunnel have been conducted.(主要进行了有限元法高压透水衬砌隧洞和边界元法高压透水衬砌隧洞的比较分析。)
Lots of articles have introduced the calculation method of earth dam seepage with pervious ground base or impervious ground base so far.(迄今为止,已有大量的文献介绍建立在透水或不透水地基上的土坝渗流计算方法。)
When lowering the requirement of water permeability, the pervious bricks would meet the requirement of concrete pavement brick standard(JC/T 466-2000).(降低透水能力的要求,则其强度可以满足JC/T466-2000混凝土路面砖标准的要求。)
Like any other professional training we build on pervious knowledge.(和其他专业培训一样,我们以之前的知识为基础。)
The pervious asphalt concrete is the paving material more advanced internationally, and just used locally.(透水沥青混凝土是国际上较为先进的筑路材料,国内刚开始采用。)
I'm afraid he's not pervious to our proposal.(恐怕他不会接受我们的建议。)
The pervious to light of the rice-pattern glaze is better, the surface of glaze is level smooth, the glossiness is higher.(玲珑釉的透光性好,釉面平整光滑,光泽度较高。)
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