名词复数: pelvises
名词复数: pelvises
1. a structure shaped like a funnel in the outlet of the kidney into which urine is discharged before passing into the ureter
Synonym: renal pelvis
2. the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates
Synonym: pelvic girdlepelvic archhip
1. 骨盆
Your pelvis is the wide, curved group of bones at the level of your hips.
1. 骨盆:由于译者也爱好军事,偶然发现美军战地手册-身体素质...它连接腰椎(lumbar),骨盆(pelvis),椎骨(vertebrae)和(...姿势:使身体向前倾斜保持支撑姿势. 动作:在协助者...
2. 骨盘:(六)严重脑部外伤(traumatic brain injury) 严重的脑部(subdural hematomas) ,脑震荡(concussion) 等,有不少的伤者长中心,亦即股骨 骨后 的生长受阻,不能与骨盘(pelvis) 处的髋臼(acetabulum) 密切结合,失去适当的承重能力,
3. 盆部:课件-->盆部及会阴(Pelvis and Perineum)摘要:盆部(pelvis)以骨盆作为支架,由覆盖于其内的盆壁肌、盆底肌及其筋膜共同围成盆腔和盆腔内的脏器所组成.盆部及会阴(Pelvis and Perineum)全文信息....课件类型: (ppt) 文件大小 6.8M
4. 肾盂:肾元主要包括(1)肾小球(glomerulus)是过滤液体的地方;(2)肾小管(tubule)是滤液经此管到达肾盂(pelvis)的途中,被转变成肾水,若排入膀胱待尿出者,是为尿液.