英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:04:25



英 [ˈpi:kən]

美 [pɪˈkɑ:n]



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  • 美洲山核桃
  • 【植】美洲薄壳胡桃
  • 一种大胡桃
  • 德克萨斯州州树


1. smooth brown oval nut of south central United States

2. tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts

Synonym: pecan treeCarya illinoensisCarya illinoinsis

3. wood of a pecan tree

1. 美洲山核桃
Pecans or pecan nuts are nuts with a thin, smooth shell that grow on trees in the southern United States and central America and that you can eat.

1. 山核桃:作为美国最大的木方厂之一,美国安达臣木材公司至今已有115年的悠久历史,在美国密西西比州拥有超过300,000英亩(即21万立方米)的森林,品种包括红橡(RED OAK),白橡(WHITE OAK),水曲柳(ASH),白杨(COTTONWOOD),孔雀木(HACKBERRY),山核桃(PECAN),黄杨(Y.POPLAR),

2. 山胡桃:州花是矢车菊(Bluebonnet州鸟是反舌鸟 (Mockingbird州树是山胡桃 (Pecan). 得克萨斯州史博物馆的牛模型--得克萨斯州出产的长牛角是得州早年标志性产品 得克萨斯原以农业为主,全州80%的土地是农场和牧场,是美国最大的农业之州,

3. 美洲山核桃:而这些分区架构是由几乎封闭、没有任 何雕刻装饰的墙面组成. 教堂建期介於公元1306年和1391年,建造地点之前有个仿罗马式教堂,至今已毫无其遗址. ...『无子白葡萄乾 (currant)、美洲山核桃 (pecan)、黑麦粉 (rye)』天然酵母法国乡村面包

4. pecan

4. (核桃):美国安达臣木业公司至今已有116年的悠久历史,在美国密西西比州拥有超过300,000英亩(即21万立方米)的森林,品种包括美国红橡(RedOak),美国白橡(WhiteOak),水曲柳(Ash),白杨(Cottonwood),孔雀木(Hackberry),山核桃(Pecan),黄杨(YellowPoplar),

The hickory spiral borer kills many seedlings and young trees, and the pecan carpenterworm degrades both trees and logs.(山胡桃螺旋虫会杀死许多幼苗和幼树,而山核桃肉肠虫则会使树木和圆木退化。)
A pecan tree can live for 300 years and when they're old and gnarled, they can still bear fruit.(今天是核桃树节,核桃树能活300年,老了之后还能结果。)
In the past three years, pecan prices have doubled.(在过去的三年里,核桃价格已经翻番。)
Do not fight. I have a BIG pecan pie for you to fight. No, share I mean.(不用抢啦,我有个大的胡桃派让你们抢,不,我的意思是分享。)
God used a pecan for my "learning to forgive" lesson.(上帝用核桃为我上了一堂“学会宽容”的课。)
A bigger reason for high pecan prices is strong demand from Asia.(另一个山核桃涨价的主要原因是来自亚洲的巨大需求量。)
Jeff Worn of the South Georgia pecan Co. just traveled to India, where he served pecans at a food show.(南佐治亚州山核桃公司的杰夫·沃恩(JeffWorn)刚刚从印度回来,他在一个食品展会上展出了他的山核桃。)
Between 1960 and 2000, pecan prices remained low.(在1960年到2000年期间,山核桃价格保持在低位。)
He makes about 500 pecan pies for the Thanksgiving season and about an equal number during the rest of the year.(他为今年的感恩节准备了500个山核桃派,与今年之前卖掉的山核桃派数量差不多。)
Temptations of gooey pecan pie and dense sweet potatoes topped with crackly marshmallows make it seems impossible to be disciplined.(黏糊糊的山核桃派和浓稠的甜土豆配上脆棉花软糖的诱惑,使其似乎让人难以自制。)
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