英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:59:04
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. give up what is not strictly needed

e.g. he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey

Synonym: sparegive updispense with

1. 放弃,离开:ahead of schedule提前 | part with放弃,离开 | turn away转变方向;拒绝

2. 放弃:part and parced of sth. 某事物的主要部分 | part with放弃 | pass away去世,逝世

3. 放弃;与...相分离:for one thing 一方面 | part with 放弃;与...相分离 | bank account 银行账户

4. part with的近义词

4. 卖掉,放弃:put away 放在一边 | part with 卖掉,放弃 | enroll in 成为......的一员

But not a cent would he part with!(他竟一毛不拔!)
Those offsets will be paid for in part with revenue from oil and gas.(这些收支失调将会从原油与天然气的部分收入中进行抵销。)
Clara had only given it to her this morning, so she was loath to part with it.(克拉拉今天早上才把它给她,所以她舍不得把它卖掉。)
He Shared part with his children and used the remaining to build his home.(他分了一部分给子女,剩下的盖了这幢房子。)
Each MIME part with attachment can specify its content type too.(每个带附件的MIME部件也都可以指定其内容类型。)
Before you part with your hard-earned cash, make sure that you are happy that you are getting value for money.(在花出去辛辛苦苦挣来的钱之前,你要确保物有所值。)
Quantum theory started at the beginning of the 20th century, in part with work on light.(量子理论始于20世纪初,是光学研究的一部分。)
Mr Myhrvold, a physicist by training, takes part with gusto.(培训物理学家梅尔·沃德先生,津津有味地参与其中。)
He spent so many unforgettable days with them that he was loath to part with them.(他与他们一起度过那么多难忘的日子,他舍不得离开他们。)
Google is hoping consumers will part with their wallets.(谷歌希望消费者卖掉他们的钱包。)
part with是什么意思 part with在线翻译 part with什么意思 part with的意思 part with的翻译 part with的解释 part with的发音 part with的同义词