英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:58:43



英 [ˈpærəksɪzəm]

美 [ˈpærəkˌsɪzəm]


形容词: paroxysmal 副词: paroxysmally

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  • 突然发作
  • 阵发
  • 爆发
  • 激发
  • 活动
  • 努力
  • 迅速恶化
  • 爆发高潮
  • 抽搐,指咳嗽,大笑,或剧痛导致人体的阵发痉挛或短暂发作



1. a sudden uncontrollable attack

e.g. a paroxysm of giggling
a fit of coughing
convulsions of laughter

Synonym: fitconvulsion

1. (情绪的)突然爆发
A paroxysm of emotion is a sudden, very strong occurrence of it.

e.g. He exploded in a paroxysm of rage.
e.g. ...a paroxysm of grief.

2. (咳嗽、大笑或剧痛引起的)身体震颤;阵发
A paroxysm is a series of sudden, violent, uncontrollable movements that your body makes because you are coughing, laughing, or in great pain.


e.g. He broke into a paroxysm of coughing.

1. paroxysm

1. 疟疾发作:1.疟疾发作(paroxysm) 疟疾的一次典型发作表现为寒战、高热和出汗退热3个连续阶段. 典型的间日疟和卵形疟隔日发作一次;三日疟为隔2天发作1次;恶性疟隔36-48小时发作一次. 3.疟疾的再燃和复发 疟疾初发停止后,患者若无再感染,

2. 发作阵发:parovarium 卵巢冠 | paroxysm 发作阵发 | paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria 阵发性寒冷血红蛋白尿


3. 暴发高潮:paroxism 暴发高潮 | paroxysm 暴发高潮 | paroxysm of orogenic cycle 造山旋回粥

  • 经典引文

  • Her face was contorted in a paroxysm of laughter.

    出自:R. P. Warren
  • Flinging it across my mother's room in a paroxysm of frustrated rage.

    出自:D. Murphy
All we have left is paroxysm, and when it subsides, there will be just one wisp of smoke. Our inner fire will ravish all.(我们所剩下的只有身体震颤,当它平息的时候,只有一缕轻烟。我们内心的火焰会吞噬一切。)
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm: Despite my affection for 2010 draftees Evan Turner and Paul George, your man here is Eric Gordon.(尽管我很喜欢2010的选秀伊万特纳和保罗乔治,但这个问题的答案是埃里克戈登。)
For now, there will be a paroxysm of anger and mourning.(目前,塞尔维亚人会悲痛和愤怒。)
AIM: To observe the effect of fenoterol and ipratropium bromide alone or combined in the treatment of childhood acute paroxysm of asthma.(目的:观察非诺特罗、异丙托溴铵单用及联合用药治疗小儿哮喘急性发作的疗效。)
Dog Day Moxibustion treatment can alleviate paroxysm of the asthma rat.(三伏药物敷贴能缓解哮喘大鼠的发作。)
Objective: To evaluate the relationship between paroxysm perspiration with coronary heart disease and myocardial ischemia.(目的:探讨隐匿型冠心病阵发性出汗与心肌缺血之间的关系。)
Crisis events characterized by paroxysm, threat, uncertainty, urgency and frightening often pose a severe impact on people's psychology.(危机事件具有突发性、威胁性、不确定性、紧迫性和震慑性等特点,往往会给人们的心理产生严重冲击。)
The relapse paroxysm and long range difficult to cure nature falling sickness use medicine to lead to the dysfunction being complicated by cognition.(难治性癫痫的反复发作和长期用药又导致并发认知功能障碍。)
He exploded in a paroxysm of rage.(他突然勃然大怒。)
The study cures to use high pressure ozone to greatly infuse to note therapy to cure cerebral paroxysm effect from the blood.(探讨医用高压臭氧大自血灌注疗法治疗脑血管疾病的效果。)
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