英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:58:10



英 [pəˈraɪə]

美 [pəˈraɪə]


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  • 【史】贱民
  • 为社会所遗弃者
  • 印度世袭阶级中的贱民
  • 被轻蔑者
  • 被社会遗弃者
  • 流浪者
  • 印度的最下阶级
  • 被放逐者
  • 南印度的最下级民


1. a person who is rejected (from society or home)

Synonym: outcastcastawayIshmael

1. 社会弃儿
If you describe someone as a pariah, you mean that other people dislike them so much that they refuse to associate with them.

e.g. His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal, a pariah.

1. pariah

1. (魔域反攻):怎么有这个问题啊......回复: <>(Pariah)怎么有这个问题啊......回复: <>(Pariah)怎么有这个问题啊......回复: <>(Pariah)怎么有这个问题啊......回复: <>(Pariah)怎么有这个问题啊.

2. 流浪者:me Outbreak) 抗日-血战上海滩正版光碟镜像 抗日-血战缅甸正版光碟镜像 抗日-血战缅甸正版光碟镜像65..荒野枪神(GUN) 硬盘版 绿伟人简体硬盘版 暗中之刃(Blade of Darkness)简体版<>(Pariah)在第51张碟内 <

3. 下载-<<魔域反攻>:魔域反攻(Pariah)完整版下载魔域反攻(Pariah)完整版相关下载魔域反攻(Pariah)完整版下载说明魔域反攻(Pariah)完整版已通过本站测试,测试结果请参看说明及截图.申明:魔域反攻(Pariah)完整版下载资源收集于网络,

  • 经典引文

  • They treated Bute as if he were a pariah..with whom no contact should be made.

    出自:John Brooke
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Ali became a pariah, loathed by many white fans and most established sportswriters.(他就此遭众人唾弃,被许多白人拳迷和大多数在册的体育记者所厌恶。)
Prior to 2001 Washington viewed Iran as a dangerous but isolated pariah state.(2001年之前华盛顿将伊朗看做一个危险但是却被国际社会遗弃的孤岛国家。)
For example, being a lawyer or therapist could make you a dating pariah because nobody's idea of a good date is to argue or be psychoanalyzed!(比如,律师或心理咨询师的工作可能让你和约会无缘,因为没人会认为好的约会是辩论或“被进行”精神治疗。)
Prayer of pariah, and the lover's cry.(流徙者的祈求、情人的哀号。)
But it's also clear that public life as a single, working, divorced mom —still a pariah status in South Korea —was one role she had a lot of trouble with.(但是这一切也清晰的表明在韩国,一个单身、工作、离婚的女子是处于何种卑微的社会地位-她注定要面对许多麻烦。)
For many years, come mid-afternoon, I found myself to be a social pariah.(多年来,每当午休来临,我发现自己成了社交低能人。)
His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal, a pariah.(他的房东太太对待他就像对待一个危险罪犯,一个社会弃儿一样。)
Some people lost the right to be a director or senior manager, and suffered from pariah status in a country where there is little pity for failure.(一些人失去当董事或高管的权利,在这个对失败者从不讲情面的国度,这些人到处受人啐弃。)
IF YOU smoke, you will become a gruesome pariah with Dickensian teeth who abuses children and dies early and alone.(如果你吸烟,就会沦为狄更斯笔下长有丑陋牙齿的底层民众,他们虐待儿童并且早早地孤独死去。)
Iceland risks being treated as a pariah among nations if it doesn't figure out how to pay off its debts.(如果冰岛无法清偿债务,它就可能成为一个遭到排斥的国家。)
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