形容词: parametric 副词: parametrically
形容词: parametric 副词: parametrically
1. a constant in the equation of a curve that can be varied to yield a family of similar curves
Synonym: parametric quantity
2. a quantity (such as the mean or variance) that characterizes a statistical population and that can be estimated by calculations from sample data
3. (computer science) a reference or value that is passed to a function, procedure, subroutine, command, or program
Synonym: argument
4. any factor that defines a system and determines (or limits) its performance
1. 参数;界限;范围
Parameters are factors or limits which affect the way that something can be done or made.
e.g. That would be enough to make sure we fell within the parameters of our loan agreement.
e.g. ...some of the parameters that determine the taste of a wine.
1. 参量:按 GB3101-93 中的附录 A,当一物理量无专门名称时,其名称一般是一个系数(coefficient)因数或因子(factor)、参数或参量(parameter)、比或比率(radio)、常量或常数(constant)等术语组合的名称等的命名也作了有关规定,虽不是硬性规定,
Thus input parameters were included to specify page width and length.
出自:Computers the Humanities