英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 17:08:11



英 [ˈpærəbl]

美 [ˈpærəbəl]


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  • 寓言
  • 比喻
  • 寓言故事
  • 格言
  • 大话


1. a short moral story (often with animal characters)

Synonym: fableallegoryapologue

2. (New Testament) any of the stories told by Jesus to convey his religious message

e.g. the parable of the prodigal son

1. (《圣经》等中的)寓言故事
A parable is a short story, which is told in order to make a moral or religious point, like those in the Bible.

e.g. ...the parable of the Good Samaritan...
e.g. The story is a pleasing parable of the problems created by an excess of wealth.

1. 比喻:旧约被分作叙事(narrative)、史诗(epic)、悲剧(tragedy)、诗歌(poetry)、颂诗(encomium)、箴言(proverb)、讽刺(satire)、戏剧(drama)分别论述,而新约作为更特殊的神学作品则被单独列作一章,作者也分别阐释了其中福音书(gospel)、比喻(parable)、书信(epist

2. parable什么意思

2. 寓言,-骗尔不-寓言骗尔不:loan-贷款,<>贷款难! | parable-寓言,-骗尔不-寓言骗尔不 | cart-手推车<>手推车靠尔推

  • 经典引文

  • A conscientious Christian with a great fondness for the parable of the talents.

    出自:P. Carey
Matthew also has a parable about a man goes out and throws a field with seed.(马太也用了一个比喻,是说一个男人,去田里播种。)
So this is the parable of the talents.(这是关于才能的寓言。)
I think the genius of this parable hinges on the fact that the servant who was only given one gold coin seems to be acting so perfectly reasonably.(我认为这则寓言的特别之处在于,那个只拿到一个金币的仆人的行为是很合理的。)
Then Peter said unto him, Lord, speakest thou this parable unto us, or even to all?(彼得说,主阿,这比喻是为我们说的呢,还是为众人呢。)
Would having a relevant parable uppermost in their minds nudge participants into helping?(脑袋里想着这个寓言故事会促使受试者去帮助他人吗?)
The episode is a nice parable of anxiety-management;(这段故事情节是一个人焦急情绪控制的很好的比喻;)
But without a parable spake he not unto them: and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples.(若不用比喻,就不对他们讲。没有人的时候,就把一切的道讲给门徒听。)
And he said unto them, know ye not this parable? And how then will ye know all parables?(又对他们说,你们不明白这比喻吗。这样怎能明白一切的比喻呢。)
His disciples came to him and said, "Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field."(他的门徒进前来说,请把田间稗子的比喻,讲给我们听。)
"Let me tell you a like parable," Giff says.(“让我来给你讲个寓言故事吧,”吉夫说。)
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