英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:51:27



英 [ˌəʊvəˈrʌn]

美 [ˌoʊvəˈrʌn]



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过去式: overran 过去分词: overrun 现在分词: overrunning 第三人称单数: overruns

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1. too much production or more than expected

Synonym: overproduction


1. run beyond or past

e.g. The plane overran the runway

2. seize the position of and defeat

e.g. the Crusaders overran much of the Holy Land

3. invade in great numbers

e.g. the roaches infested our kitchen

Synonym: infest

4. flow or run over (a limit or brim)

Synonym: overflowwell overrun overbrim over

5. occupy in large numbers or live on a host

e.g. the Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North

Synonym: invadeinfest

1. (迅速)侵占,占领
If an army or an armed force overruns a place, area, or country, it succeeds in occupying it very quickly.

e.g. A group of rebels overran the port area and most of the northern suburbs...
e.g. The centre of New Delhi was overrun by an armed mob which attacked government buildings.

2. 横行的;泛滥的;肆虐的
If you say that a place is overrun with things that you consider undesirable, you mean that there are a large number of them there.


e.g. The flower beds were overrun with grasses...
e.g. The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats...

3. 超过时限
If an event or meeting overruns by, for example, ten minutes, it continues for ten minutes longer than it was intended to.

e.g. Tuesday's lunch overran by three-quarters of an hour...
e.g. The talks overran their allotted time.

4. (费用等)超支,超出预算
If costs overrun, they are higher than was planned or expected.

e.g. We should stop the nonsense of taxpayers trying to finance new weapons whose costs always overrun hugely...
e.g. Costs overran the budget by about 30%.

1. 超过:要使一决定有别于程序化产物--要使一决定成为德里达意义上的决定--决定必须超出(exceed)或者说超过(overrun)一切程序的条件. 如果决定是由伦理存在(an ethical being)而非计算机作出的,那么,

2. 超出:控制措施 确认查核 (validation check )宜并入应用系统 ,以侦测经由处理错误或故意行(d) 保护免於使用缓冲区超出 (overrun) 溢位(ov erflow )的攻击.

  • 经典引文

  • Mountains, dales, and plains I over-run.

    出自:W. Drummond
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Not only will he overrun Egypt he's going to go west of Egypt and take Libya and south of Egypt and take Ethiopia.(他不仅会踏上埃及领土,还会前往埃及西部,攻打利比亚,埃及南面攻打埃塞俄比亚。)
While Palin and Barack may not overrun the playgrounds in a couple years, their children will.(虽然佩林和巴拉克可能在几年内不会到处可见,但他们的孩子则可能。)
Instead we suffer ever more coastal "dead zones" overrun by nitrogen-fed algal blooms.(反而是,我们比以往更多地到遭受到海岸盲区由于“富氮化”而使藻类大量繁殖的影响。)
The hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.(这家旅馆因为到处都是老鼠,已经被勒令关闭。)
Her lectures never overrun.(她讲课从不拖堂。)
The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians.(罗马帝国被北欧蛮族推翻了。)
Geologist Gerard Bond noticed that some of the sediment grains were stained with iron oxide, evidence that they originated in locales where glaciers had overrun outcrops of red sandstone.(地质学家杰拉德·邦德注意到,一些沉积物颗粒被氧化铁染色,这表明它们起源于冰川覆盖红砂岩露头的地方。)
In the past health budgets have overrun by up to 15%, according to one former regional health boss.(据某前任地区医疗负责人透露,从前医保预算最高可达15%。)
It is overrun with people who are kind and helpful, and four of them are heavenly, handsome firemen.(这里有的是善良热心的人,其中包括四名英俊不凡的消防员。)
Enemy soldiers had overrun the island.(敌军士兵侵占了该岛。)
overrun是什么意思 overrun在线翻译 overrun什么意思 overrun的意思 overrun的翻译 overrun的解释 overrun的发音 overrun的同义词