英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:49:31



英 [ˌaʊtˈweɪ]

美 [aʊtˈwe]

v.比 ... 重要;比 ... 有价值

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比 ... 有价值
比 ... 重要

过去式: outweighed 过去分词: outweighed 现在分词: outweighing 第三人称单数: outweighs

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  • 胜过
  • 超过
  • 比…重
  • 比…重要
  • 强过
  • 在重量超过
  • 优于
  • 胜于
  • 比…重
  • 重于
  • 大于
  • 在重量上超过
  • 在重要性或价值方面超过
  • 比…有价值


1. be heavier than

2. weigh more heavily

e.g. these considerations outweigh our wishes

Synonym: preponderateoverbalanceoutbalance

1. (在重要性、益处、意义等上)重于,大于,超过
If one thing outweighs another, the first thing is of greater importance, benefit, or significance than the second thing.

e.g. The medical benefits of x-rays far outweigh the risk of having them...
e.g. The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages.

1. 超过:很多看似以前难以治愈的(incurable)疾病现在都可以通过手术等方式得到痊愈,而这是带给全人类的福音(gospel),人类寿命得到延长(prolong lifespan),因此总体来看,科技对全人类的进步大大超过(outweigh)小部分的贫富差距.

2. 重于;优于:outwedging 尖灭 | outweigh 重于;优于 | outwork 简易外围工作;户外工作

3. 胜过:outwear 用坏 | outweigh 胜过 | outwent 外出

4. 超过、大于:explosion 爆炸、激增 | outweigh 超过、大于 | discard 丢弃

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  • 临近词

Even a tiny mass means that neutrinos would outweigh all the universe's visible matter, because of their vast numbers.(因为数量巨大,即使是很小的质量也意味着中微子会超过宇宙中所有可见的物质。)
The benefits far outweigh the costs in my mind.(在我们看来收益远远超出成本。)
The dilemma is how to judge at what point the costs outweigh the benefits.(现在的困境是,如何判断在什么时候的成本大于收益。)
The benefits of such actions far outweigh the costs.(这些行动的好处远远超过带来的损失。)
Overall, the gains from lower tariffs outweigh the costs.(因此,从整体上看,降低关税利远大于弊。)
The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages.(这笔交易的利远大于弊。)
In the long run, its harms outweigh its benefits.(长远来看,它的弊大于利。)
The benefits of play must outweigh costs, or play would not have evolved, according to Darwin's theory.(根据达尔文的理论,玩乐的好处必须大于其代价,否则玩乐就不会得以进化。)
Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily dose of alcohol outweigh the risks, most people won't be able to take a doctor's prescription to the neighbourhood bar or liquor store.(除非有证据表明每日饮酒的益处大于风险,否则大多数人都无法凭医生的处方到附近的酒吧或酒类商店去买酒。)
The common interests of the two sides outweigh their differences.(双方的共同利益大于分歧。)
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