out of joint

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out of joint

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:05:15

英 [aut ɔv dʒɔint]

美 [aʊt ʌv dʒɔɪnt]

out of joint基本解释

出了问题; 处于混乱状态; 脱臼


  • 网络解释

1. 脱臼:(12) Revel 沉醉于, 狂欢作乐 | (13) Out of joint 脱臼 | (14) Dressing down 狠狠训斥, 揍


2. 脱臼, 脱节; 杂乱无章; 不协调, 不合适, 不舒服:one-arm joint [美俚]设备简陋的小饭馆 | out of joint 脱臼, 脱节; 杂乱无章; 不协调, 不合适, 不舒服 | put one's foot out of joint 使足[臂、膝]脱臼

3. 脱臼;处于混乱状态:out of hand 无法控制;马上,立刻 | out of joint 脱臼;处于混乱状态 | out of line 不一致;出格;不成直线

  • 临近词
Heb. 12:13 And make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather may be healed.(来十二13也要为自己的脚把路径修直了,使瘸子不致脱臼,反得医治。)
He yawned his jaws out of joint.(他打呵欠打得下巴关节脱了臼。)
Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.(露西的冷漠世故让巴里显得很不重要。)
Andy's nose is out of joint, because we forgot to invite him to the party.(因为我们忘记邀请他参加聚会,安迪的鼻子都快气歪了。)
The time is out of joint: o cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!(这是一个脱了节的时代,而可咒的是我却生来要把它给接起来!)
The Council have refused permission for him to build a factory there. That will pat his nose out of joint.(地方议会拒不批准他在那里盖工厂。这将使他的计划落空。)
He is so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.(他那么自负,她没接收他的邀请可把他的鼻子气歪了。)
The boss is always chatting to one of the new typists, which has really put his secretary's nose out of joint.(老板老是和一个新来的打字员交谈,这真使他的秘书非常嫉妒。)
It also took the "joint" out of joint Cargo Aircraft by making the program solely Air Force, rather than Army-Air Force.(它把联合货运飞机的“联合”分离,使该计划只针为空军服务,而不再针对陆军和空军。)
Peter, her assistant for many years, is to be promoted over her head. That will certainly put her nose out of joint.(彼得做了她的助手多年,要升职做她上司了,这一定会让她觉得很挫败。)
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