英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 14:59:39
  • 网络解释

1. 身体不爽;性能不佳:on some days in certain weeks 在某几个星期的某几天里 | on the blink 身体不爽;性能不佳 | on the carpet 训斥

2. (机器、仪表)出毛病, 坏了:bartizan 小望台, 顶塔 | on the blink (机器、仪表)出毛病, 坏了 | thermodetector 温差电检波器

3. (机器等)坏了:on the alert 警戒着;密切注意着; | on the blink * (机器等)坏了 | on the button 准确地;准时地

4. on the blink的翻译

4. (机器等)坏了,出故障:on the average%[]%平均,一般说来% | on the blink%[]%(机器等)坏了,出故障% | on the board%[]%将在会上讨论%

  • 临近词

Gordon: That's because the printer is on the blink. Some times it works, and sometimes it doesn't.(戈登:那是由于打印机坏了,有的时间能用,有的时间不克不及用。)
I could not text message you because my mobile phone has been on the blink ever since I dropped it in the lake.(我无法给你发短信了,自从我把它掉到湖中以后,我的手机随时都有可能坏掉。)
My dishwasher is on the blink.(我的洗碗机坏了。)
He took out a table dish on the blink of an eye.(他一眨眼功夫就变出了一桌饭。)
Netflix also uses the Amazon data centre that went on the blink, but avoided any problems as a result of this.(后者同样使用了亚马逊发生故障的数据中心,但结果却安然无恙。)
The machine's on the blink.(机器坏了。)
Booting errors when the computer first start's up is another indicator of this component going on the blink.(当计算机首次启动孕穗错误的是另一本构成指标进行了眨巴。)
I can't hear the news since my radio went on the blink.(由于我的收音机坏了,我听不到新闻了。)
My television is on the blink.(他眨巴着他那模糊的眼睛。)
My radio is on the blink.(我的收音机坏了。)
on the blink是什么意思 on the blink在线翻译 on the blink什么意思 on the blink的意思 on the blink的翻译 on the blink的解释 on the blink的发音 on the blink的同义词