The cold stone of the mysterious obelisk guards its secrets.(神秘方尖塔上的冰冷岩石保守着它的秘密。)
The obelisk of Buenos Aires, one of the main icons of Argentina, was built to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city.(该方尖碑是为纪念布宜诺斯艾利斯建城400年而建,如今是该国的标志性建筑之一。)
That is why we've been working Ethiopia, Italy and the African Union so that the Obelisk of Axum in Ethiopia, which had been stolen during the colonial period, has been brought back to Ethiopia.(这就是为什么我们和埃塞俄比亚、意大利和非洲联盟合作将阿克苏姆方尖碑带回埃塞俄比亚。阿克苏姆方尖碑在殖民时代被意大利偷走。)
If stands erect this obelisk, but it entire Egypt and biggest obelisk.(如果将这个方尖碑竖立起来,它可是全埃及最大的方尖碑。)
At the base of the Sulpice obelisk.(在圣叙尔皮斯方尖碑的基座处。)
I had gone to where van Gogh trekked alone with his easel on his back, gazing at the crooked olive groves, the obelisk-like cypresses and the swirling starry nights.(我来到了梵高背着画板独自远行,以及他凝视着歪橄榄树、方尖碑样的丝柏树和令人眩晕的星夜的地方。)
The reflecting pool, worlds tallest obelisk, and Rebecca.(反映池,世界最高的方尖石塔,和丽贝卡。)
As soon as you touch the obelisk, signs appear on its surface indicating where you can find one of the dragon nests.(就在你触摸方尖塔的一刹那,塔面显现出一些符号,告知你寻找龙之巢穴的方位。)
Some of Buenos Aires' main landmarks can be seen along the way; most notably, the Obelisk. (Link).(沿路可以看到布宜诺斯艾利斯的主要地标建筑,最显眼的当属方尖碑。)
You may want to print an obelisk here to draw your reader's attention.(你大概需要在这里印个短箭号来引起读者注意。)
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