
好工具 > 单词大全 > north-eastern


更新时间:2025-03-11 00:02:08




  • 双语例句

1. north-eastern是什么意思

1. The village of Marlott lay amid the north-eastern undulations of the beautiful Vale of Blakemore or Blackmoor aforesaid, an engirdled and secluded region, for the most part untrodden as yet by tourist or landscape-painter, though within a four hours'journey from London.

2. It was for a long time considered to be identical with Maagadhii, the Prakrit of Magadha, where the Buddha spent most of his life and teaching career. This ancient region is situated in modern Indian state of Bihar, in North-Eastern India.

3. north-eastern什么意思

3. If I was lucky the dry wood would soon start burning. The air in the tunnel would begin circulating and draw the flame inwardly towards the inside of the stove and into the Kang (a kind of bed in the north-eastern part of China).

4. It is located in north-eastern part of Qinghai Province, in the Chase Hill, Mountain, Qinghai Nanshan between, with an area of 4582 square kilometers, the most up to 32.8 meters, is China`s largest salt lake.

5. Yandun Jiao village, on the north-eastern shore of the peninsula, is famous for its traditional seaweed-thatched cottages.

6. Boed., has been found in the most of maize production regions in China. The disease incidence and severity has been rising in recent years, especially in northern and the north-eastern China.

7. The distribution of terrorist activities, from the north-eastern Assam to the west of the city Ahmed Abat, almost all over the country India.

8. This 250-megawatt IGCC plant is currently under construction in the Bohai Basin in Tianjin, north-eastern China.

9. A multicenter study by Angiology Care Units in North-Eastern Italy.

10. On account of Persia's political influence in the north-eastern part of Arabia, it is natural to find Zoroastrian elements in the Koran.

11. In the last few years, however, the reverse has taken place: there has been a migration of labour back to the north-eastern coastal areas to well-paid jobs in the North Sea oil industry.

12. IN DECEMBER 1997 large numbers of cattle, goats and sheep began dying in the Garissa district of north-eastern Kenya.

13. IN DECEMBER 1997 large numbers of cattle, goats and sheep began dying in the Garissa district of north-eastern Kenya. A month later people started dying, too.

14. Recently, they decide to order two new UNISET 75 printing lines to add to their plant. This is already the third co-operation between Shenyang Group and MAN Roland in the past decade. Shenyang Group has also become the first customer to introduce UNISET 75 in the north-eastern region.
近日,他们就决定向曼罗兰订购两条UNISET 75印刷生产线,成为10年内该集团与德国曼罗兰公司的第三次合作,亦成为了第一个在东北地区引进UNISET 75生产线的客户。


15. The latest purchases of two UNISET 75 production lines, which include six feeders, six 8-colour towers and two folding machines, will reinforce the Group`s position as one of the largest printing plants in the north-eastern region.
今次购入两条UNISET 75生产线,包括6个供纸部、6个八色榙和2个折页机后,该集团将成为东北地区最大的印务中心之一。

16. From the seven north-eastern Thai House a total of 197 large and medium-sized school students to participate in the race, the farthest the contestants more than three hundred kilometers from Surin House and outside.

17. north-eastern的近义词

17. The process of fencing off seamounts is still at an early stage, though four clusters of them have been discovered and declared off-limits in the north-eastern Atlantic.

18. north-eastern

18. IROM CHANU SHARMILA, 37, a poet and aspirant suicide, was this week unable to attend a cultural festival held in her honour in Imphal, capital of India`s north-eastern state of Manipur.


19. The top of Chimborazo is completely covered by glaciers, with some north-eastern glacier arms flowing down to

20. north-eastern在线翻译

20. Many people now living in the north-eastern region are descendants of those who braved the journey to the Northeast in the past.

  • 临近词
From there, remains and debris will be taken to the north-eastern coastal city of Recife for identification.(从那里,遗体和残骸将被运往东北部海滨城市累西腓(Recife)进行鉴定。)
The letter mysteriously arrived at the California University of Pennsylvania, in the north-eastern state of Pennsylvania, 10 days ago.(这封信件在十天以前神奇般的被寄到了加利福尼亚大学的宾夕法尼亚州分校,这所大学位于宾州的东北部。)
Fossils from north-eastern China show animals that had feathers but clearly could not have flown, as well as ones that look like proper birds.(中国东北发现的化石表明,有羽毛的动物很显然并不会飞行,同样那些看起来和鸟一模一样的动物也不会飞。)
Vines grow over empty streets in Tomioka town, Fukushima, north-eastern Japan(日本东北部,福岛县富冈町,藤蔓生长在空荡荡的大街上)
Four hundred dancing fountain heads are incorporated into the plaza, and in the area's north-eastern corner are two Hindu shrines.(广场大大小小的艺术喷泉共计有四百个喷嘴,东北角还有两个供奉印度教的神坛。)
The broadcaster says whole villages in parts of Japan's north-eastern Pacific coast were swept away by a tsunami reaching seven metres high.(广播称日本东北部太平洋沿岸的海啸可达7米,部分村庄被冲垮。)
Mexico's navy discovered 72 dead bodies at a ranch in the north-eastern state of Tamaulipas.(墨西哥海军在塔毛利帕斯州(Tamaulipas)东北部的一个家厂发现了72俱尸体。)
Boko Haram, meaning “Western education is sinful”, originates in Maiduguri, capital of the north-eastern state of Borno.(博科海姆,即“西方教化邪恶”之意,源自尼日利亚东北部布诺州首府迈都纳瑞。)
We studied 132 children without head lice who lived in a slum in north-eastern Brazil.(针对生活在巴西东北部贫民区内的132名无头虱症的儿童开展了一项研究。)
Yet this mysterious antelope still roams, if only deep in the Annamite range of north-eastern Vietnam and Laos.(尽管这种神秘的羚羊仍然有所出没,但其活动范围仅限于越南和老挝东北的安南区深处。)
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north-eastern是什么意思 north-eastern在线翻译 north-eastern什么意思 north-eastern的意思 north-eastern的翻译 north-eastern的解释 north-eastern的发音 north-eastern的同义词

