Notice Thomas's really superb nonchalance and offhandedness and simplicity. "It was late June." "The steam hissed."(注意托马斯绝好的冷淡随意和简单,“那是六月下旬“,“蒸气咝咝)
The Discovery Center is the opposite: all transparency and nonchalance.(这个探索中心是相反的:所有的都是通透的也是冷淡的。)
Five hundred years ago, the humanist author Baldassare Castiglione labeled such studied nonchalance "sprezzatura, " from the verb meaning "to undervalue.(五百年前,人文主义作家巴尔达萨雷·卡斯蒂廖内(BaldassareCastiglione)根据意指“低估”的动词,为这种刻意为之的若无其事,创造了一个名词“云淡风轻”(sprezzatura)。)
She was very tense, but she preserved an appearance of nonchalance.(她内心很紧张,可外表却装着满不在乎的样子。)
Your irresolute attitude, coupled with your irrepressible sense of nonchalance simply is inappropriate to the seriousness of the situation.(你犹豫不决的态度以及抑制不住的冷淡与事态的严重性完全不相称。)
To mount the scaffolds. To advance to the muzzles of guns wit perfect nonchalance.(走上绞刑台,行至枪口,我安之若泰。)
"I've been reading his novel Candide," she says, with the nonchalance other kids reserve for a Garfield comic book.(“我最近就在读一本他的小说《坎戴德》”她说道,对于其他的孩子还在读漫画书这一点,她表现得很随性。)
One year later, I came back to Guangzhou, and the unusual nonchalance between us was sensed by our sensitive friends, who set a trap for us. We met again at a karaoke hall.(一年后我回到广州,我们之间的异常冷淡让敏感的朋友察觉,他们精心设下了布局。)
Despite his nonchalance, however, he is inexplicably fixated on his own past, an obsession which makes him blind to things and at times even hysterical.(然而如此潇洒的人,却对自己的身世有无可理喻的偏执,在自己的执著里变得盲目和歇斯底理。)
Afterward the Lakers' youngest player shrugged it off with a casual nonchalance that used to be a defense mechanism.(此后湖人最年轻的选手一个不经意的甩开了防守机制。)
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