英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 16:38:56


英 [nəʊ'mædɪk]

美 [noʊ'mædɪk]


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  • 游牧的
  • 流浪的
  • 游离的
  • 移动的
  • 游牧民族的
  • 游牧生活的


1. migratory

e.g. a restless mobile society
the nomadic habits of the Bedouins
believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future
wandering tribes

Synonym: mobileperegrinerovingwandering

1. 游牧的;游牧部落的
Nomadic people travel from place to place rather than living in one place all the time.


e.g. ...the great nomadic tribes of the Western Sahara.

2. 流浪的
If someone has a nomadic way of life, they travel from place to place and do not have a settled home.

e.g. The daughter of a railway engineer, she at first had a somewhat nomadic childhood.

1. 遊牧:WiMAX需求工作组建议的应用场景有下述五种,即固定(Fixed)、游牧(Nomadic)、便携(Portable)、简单移动(Simplemobility)及全移动(Fullmobility,支持高速车载移动及语音、数据实时切换),但看来主体上还是以前四种应用为主,前三种更为现实,

2. 游牧的:Nomadacris septemfasciata Serv .红蝗 | nomadic 游牧的 | nomadism 游牧(体制)

3. 游动的:游动的 nomadic | 流荡癖 nomadism | 命名系统 nomenclature

4. 游牧生活的:nomad 游牧民 | nomadic 游牧生活的 | nomenclature 术语,命名系统

  • 经典引文

  • To some extent nomadic owing to the necessity of fresh pasturage for their flocks.

    出自:C. G. Seligman
  • The nomadic life, the sounds and smells of the East, had entered his blood.

    出自:M. Fitzherbert
  • Nomadic..in his shifts of home.

    出自:M. Seymour
Linguists are chronicling how nomadic communication changes language itself, and thus thought.(游牧式的交流正在改变语言本身以及人们的思维方式,语言学家正致力于这方面的编年史研究。)
Some people are naturally settled into one place, some people are naturally nomadic.(有些人很自然地定居在一个地方,而有些人则天生地流浪着。)
It boasts a nomadic past and warrior legacy stirring up images of Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan.(其过去的游牧民族和部落文化同时受到亚历山大大帝和成吉思汗的双重影响。)
A young nomadic woman, who had earlier tucked me into my makeshift bed on the floor, snores loudly in my ear.(先前为我铺地铺并帮我掖好被褥的那个年轻的游牧族妇女已鼾声如雷。)
In order to efficiently take advantage of the wild foods available, bands are often nomadic and move around following herds of animals.(为了有效地利用现有的野生食物,群体通常是游牧的,并跟随成群的动物四处移动。)
In the past, a nomadic family could live on a few cows which would provide more than enough milk and food.(在过去,一个牧民家庭靠几头牛就可以生存,这些牛提供的牛奶和食物绰绰有余。)
Chimpanzees are nomadic within their territory, and they follow no fixed circuit.(大猩猩在它们的领地内是游牧的,并且也没有特定的路线。)
The daughter of a railway engineer, she at first had a somewhat nomadic childhood.(一名铁路工程师的女儿,她起初有过一个流浪般的童年。)
From the fourth century AD, the territory of Kazakhstan was ruled by a series of nomadic nations.(从公元前4世纪起,哈萨克斯坦这片土地就被许多游牧民族统治过。)
Their nomadic trek across 2000 rugged miles is one of the great feats of pre-historical man.(他们横穿2000英里的艰苦跋涉是史前人的伟大壮举之一。)
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