英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:19:30



英 [ˈnæsnt]

美 [ˈnæsənt, ˈnesənt]


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名词: nascency

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  • 发生中的
  • 初期的
  • 新生的
  • 未成熟的
  • 开始存在的
  • 【化】初生的
  • 萌芽的
  • 开始形成的
  • 新兴的


1. being born or beginning

e.g. the nascent chicks
a nascent insurgency

1. 新兴的;新生的
Nascent things or processes are just beginning, and are expected to become stronger or to grow bigger.

e.g. ...Kenya's nascent democracy.
e.g. ...the still nascent science of psychology.

1. 新生的:乳糜微粒是在小肠粘膜细胞中生成的,食物中的脂类在细胞滑面内质网上经再酯化后与粗面内质网上合成的载脂蛋白构成新生的(nascent)乳糜微粒(包括甘油三酯、胆固醇酯和磷脂以及poB48),经高尔基复合体分泌到细胞外,进入淋巴循环最终进入血液.

2. 幼稚的:游说努力lobby effort | 幼稚的nascent | 有担保的残值guaranteed residual value

3. 发展初期的:nascent 初生的 | nascent 发展初期的 | nastic 感性的

  • 经典引文

  • During..the eighteenth century, the nascent discipline of geology languished under the tutelage of scriptural authority.

    出自:Mollie Harris
  • His look accused me of betraying his nascent respect for me.

    出自:U. Bentley
  • This girl was innocent, her mind in a nascent state.

    出自:R. K. Narayan
At this year's show the subject of choice was the firm's nascent turnaround.(在今年的车展上,大家的目光又转到了这家公司好转的迹象上。)
The moves aren't likely to end the gyrations in the nascent e-reader market.(上述举措不太可能终结新兴的电子阅读器市场的这种盘旋势头。)
Yet as the nascent carbon-offsetting industry starts to take shape, a new problem is emerging.(目前初生的碳抵消行业开始成形,产生了一个新的问题。)
But these technologies already exist in some nascent form or another.(但是,这些技术已经初步存在。)
Another nascent technology takes a different approach.(另一种新生技术另辟蹊径。)
What's harder to envision is exactly how this nascent industry will evolve.(不过现在仍然很难预测这个襁褓中的产业究竟将如何演化下去。)
There were some plans (still nascent) for adding keyword based testing to Marathon.(而且还计划(仍在萌芽阶段)添加基于关键字的测试。)
Your nascent developer community needs to have something runnable and testable to play with.(你初建的社区至少需要一个可以运行和测试的东西。)
But finding nascent massive stars has proven difficult.(但找到新生的巨型恒星很不容易。)
But he said this year's storms were the first real test for the nascent ethanol industry.(但他也说今年的暴雨是对诞生中的乙醇行业的真正考验。)
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