英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 14:36:26



英 [ˈmʌstə(r)]

美 [ˈmʌstɚ]



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过去式: mustered 过去分词: mustered 现在分词: mustering 第三人称单数: musters

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1. compulsory military service

Synonym: conscriptiondraftselective service

2. a gathering of military personnel for duty

e.g. he was thrown in the brig for missing muster


1. call to duty, military service, jury duty, etc.

2. gather or bring together

e.g. muster the courage to do something
she rallied her intellect
Summon all your courage

Synonym: rallysummoncome upmuster up

1. 聚集(支持力量);奋(力);集中(精力)
If you muster something such as support, strength, or energy, you gather as much of it as you can in order to do something.

e.g. He travelled around West Africa trying to muster support for his movement...
e.g. Mustering all her strength, Nancy pulled hard on both oars.

2. 召集,集合(士兵)
When soldiers muster or are mustered, they gather together in one place in order to take part in a military action.

e.g. The men mustered before their clan chiefs...
e.g. The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.

3. 合格;符合要求
If someone or something passes muster, they are good enough for the thing they are needed for.

e.g. I could not pass muster in his language...
e.g. If it doesn't pass muster, a radio station could have its license challenged.


1. 集合:需求(demand)是指在一定时期内,在各种可能的价格下,人们所愿意并且能够购买的某种商品数量的集合(muster). 1.供给(supply)是指生产者在某一时期内,在不同价格水平上愿意并且能够提供出售的该种商品的数量.


2. 召集:资源理论. 暴力是一种重要的资源,通过它,个人或群体可以保有或增进自身的利益. 控制的资源越多,能召集(muster)的暴力越大. 然而,控制的资源越多,以公开方式施展暴力的可能性越小. 当其它资源缺乏时才使用暴力资源.

3. 集合, 召集, 征召:arbitrary 任意的, 武断的, 独裁的, 专断的 | muster 集合, 召集, 征召, | fusty 有霉味的;陈腐的

4. 志愿消防战斗员运动会:muster roll 花名册 | muster 志愿消防战斗员运动会 | mutagen 致变物

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  • 经典引文

1. pass muster : 通过检验, 符合要求;

  • Ile muster vp an army secretly.

    出自:C. Marlowe
  • Muster the squadron and hold them in readiness.

    出自:R. Sutcliff
  • They were mustering themselves to attack the other group.

    出自:R. K. Narayan
  • The Babylonians began to muster the Hebrews for the long march to slavery.

    出自:J. A. Michener
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Some can muster decent arguments for continuity.(其中一些可以(为其保得饭碗)搜罗一些冠冕堂皇的理由。)
To muster his host and bring it into danger:--this may be termed the business of the general.(聚三军之众,投之于险,此谓将军之事也。)
If something did happen, they were at the ready, or at least as ready as they could muster.(要是确实发生了什么事情,他们就处于准备状态,或者至少尽他们所能聚集的力量准备。)
It hardly seems to warrant a smile but you muster one anyway because it's polite.(这很难博人一笑,但你出于礼貌,还是会想法挤出一个笑容。)
Shall I muster the crew on the deck?(我必须召集船员在甲板集合吗?)
She left the room with all the dignity she could muster.(她尽量庄重体面地走了出去。)
Bring resources to the table that they cannot muster on their own.(将那些他们无法自己准备的资源摆到桌面上。)
He nourished me to muster my courage.(他激励我鼓起勇气。)
If you can muster a toehold in the project plan, be forward-looking in your designs.(如果能够在项目计划中找到立足点,则可以在设计中融入前瞻思想。)
I attacked again, this time with all the skill I could muster.(我再次进攻,这一次用上了我所能集中的一切记忆。)
muster是什么意思 muster在线翻译 muster什么意思 muster的意思 muster的翻译 muster的解释 muster的发音 muster的同义词