Reducing the risk of mosquito transmission.(降低蚊子传播的风险。)
Malaria is spread by mosquito bites.(疟疾经由蚊子叮咬传播。)
Select red rose over time will become the hands of mosquito blood, and a white rose will not sweeping movements out of the cooked rice into the mouth.(选择红玫瑰久而久之就会变成手上的蚊子血,白玫瑰会变成嘴角一粒未抺掉的饭粒。)
In a common itch like a mosquito bite, cells in the skin release a chemical called histamine.(在常见的瘙痒中,比如蚊虫叮咬,皮肤细胞会释放一种叫做组胺的化学物质。)
You wouldn't want to meet a mosquito that looked like this.(你不会希望遇到这样的蚊子吧。)
I threw aside my mosquito net, jumped out of bed and drew up the blind.(我撩开蚊帐,跳下床,拉开百叶窗。)
Typically, these symptoms occur within minutes after a mosquito bite, compared to Skeeter Syndrome, which may take hours to days to occur.(通常,这些症状在蚊子叮咬后几分钟内发作,而相比之下,史基特症候群常在被叮咬几小时或几天后发生。)
For some people, a mosquito in the room is a threat to any little patch of exposed skin, while others seem to go unscathed.(对于一些人来说,只要暴露一小块皮肤,房间里的蚊子就会给他们带来威胁,而另外一些人好像毫发无损。)
The problem was that the delta was a mosquito-infested swamp.(问题在于当时的三角洲仅是蚊虫孳生的一片泥沼。)
In recent decades, mosquito vectors of chikungunya have spread to Europe and America.(最近几十年,基孔肯雅热的蚊子媒介已传播到欧洲和美洲。)
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