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更新时间:2025-02-17 18:22:24



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  • 清真寺
  • 回教寺院
  • 伊斯兰教寺院
  • 伊斯兰教堂


1. (Islam) a Muslim place of worship that usually has a minaret

1. 清真寺
A mosque is a building where Muslims go to worship.

1. 清真寺(伊斯兰教):喇嘛庙 lamasery | 清真寺(伊斯兰教) mosque | 寺院,修道院 monastery

2. 清真寺回教寺院:mosque 清真寺 | mosque 清真寺回教寺院 | mosquito boat 快艇

3. 清真寺 伊斯兰教寺院:Mosottifield洛仑兹局部电场 | mosque清真寺 伊斯兰教寺院 | mosquearch马蹄拱

A faith life at home, in the mosque, and a public life in school and in the YMCA and in playing basketball, etc.(在家里、清真寺内,他拥有宗教生活;在学校、基督教青年会、打篮球中,他拥有社会生活。)
If a mosque is too far away, a Muslim may pray in his own home or elsewhere on a specialprayer rug or mat.(如果清真寺太远,伊斯兰教信徒可以在自己家里或其他地方用特制的祈祷毯或垫子祈祷。)
So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque;(你无论从那里出去,都应当把你的脸转向禁寺。)
The mosque was painted by Turkish masters, the mosque will keep its colors for the nearest 50 years. Patterns and texts have been written with pure gold spatter.(这些彩绘由土耳其大师绘制,鲜艳的颜色可以保持50年,图案和文字由纯金绘制。)
This mosque also embodies the idea of embracing both the new and the old in one body.(该寺也明确体现了集新旧元素于一体的概念。)
"The masjid jami ', or" congregational mosque, "is the centre of community worship and the site of Friday prayer services."(是集体礼拜的中心和星期五祈祷仪式的场所。)
The incident took place during Friday prayers at the Bab al-Baradeen mosque in Meknes, a town in northern Morocco located 140 km (87 miles) southeast of Rabat.(这个事故发生在周五在梅克内斯的巴博叫拜楼的祷告,在北方摩洛哥的一个镇位于拉巴特东南140公司(97英里)的地方。)
They put a knife to the throat of the driver before hauling the three men and one woman from the car, dragging them through the street into a nearby mosque for a rough round of interrogation.(他们把一把刀顶在司机的喉咙上,从车里拽出三男一女,把他们拉到附近一座清蒸寺进行审问去了。)
The mosque-builders have not yet applied for planning permission, and may not get it if they do.(建造清真寺的人还没有申请规划许可,不过即使他们申请了也恐难获批。)
Hossein Yasa the editor of the Daily Outlook newspaper notes that there are Hazara-owned television stations Hazara-owned newspapers and a huge Shiite madrassa and mosque complex under construction.(《每日展望报》的编辑何塞因·亚萨说,哈扎拉人办起了他们所有的电视台、报纸。大型的什叶派学校和祠庙也在动工。)
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