副词: mediately 过去式: mediated 过去分词: mediated 现在分词: mediating 第三人称单数: mediates
副词: mediately 过去式: mediated 过去分词: mediated 现在分词: mediating 第三人称单数: mediates
1. act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
e.g. He interceded in the family dispute
He mediated a settlement
Synonym: intercedeintermediateliaisearbitrate
2. occupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others
e.g. mediate between the old and the new
1. acting through or dependent on an intervening agency
e.g. the disease spread by mediate as well as direct contact
2. being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series
e.g. adolescence is an awkward in-between age
in a mediate position
the middle point on a line
Synonym: in-betweenmiddle
1. 调解;调停;斡旋
If someone mediates between two groups of people, or mediates an agreement between them, they try to settle an argument between them by talking to both groups and trying to find things that they can both agree to.
e.g. My mom was the one who mediated between Zelda and her mom...
e.g. United Nations officials have mediated a series of peace meetings between the two sides...
2. 调节;影响
If something mediates a particular process or event, it allows that process or event to happen and influences the way in which it happens.
e.g. ...the thymus, the organ which mediates the response of the white blood cells...
e.g. People's responses to us have been mediated by their past experience of life.
1. 调停:工作者在社会工作团体中,其角色与地位不同於成员. 虽然,在不同的团体发展阶段与不同的团体工作模型里,工作者的角色与地位会有所改变. Fischer(1978)指出,个案工作者最开始是调停(mediate)个人和社会制度之间的问题.
2. 介:尽管如此,网路上的人际关系仍然只是经由电脑这个媒体(media)中介(mediate)的人际关系,网路上的一个拥抱,永远不能代替真实世界的一个实实在在的拥抱. 从虚拟社区回头观看真实世界,我们更能够发现,再多的表情符号,
The government mediated between the workers and the employers.
A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks.
mediate sth between sthThey mediated the settlement between labour and management.
As for the King's advisers, he considered it their task to mediate between..King and Parliament.
出自:L. Namier