This is precisely what Jules Clancy, food scientist and minimalist meal maven, of the Stonesoup has set out to help us with in her new virtual cookery school.(这恰恰是朱尔斯·克兰西,Stonesoup的饮食科学家和最简膳食专家,开始用她新开设的虚拟烹饪学校帮助我们。)
How can Maven benefit my development process?(如何帮助我的开发进程?)
If you are a Maven user, you might want to get started using the Maven Archetype.(如果你是行家的用户,您有可能要开始使用行家原型。)
Maven: After the current sprint is done, you reprioritize the backlog once again and have a new planning session. Then you do it all over again and deliver yet more value to the customer.(美芬:在这一个sprint做完之后,你需要重新设定一次订单,然后开始留一段计划的时间,然后就是从新再来,为客户创造更多价值。)
If you are a language maven who likes to use all of the different programming paradigms, Python is a good choice.(如果您是个喜欢使用所有不同的程序设计范型的语言专家,那么Python是个很好的选择。)
I'm a maven, in case you haven't figured it out - I take information, ideas, and structures and make something novel with them.(我是个行家,说得明白点就是,我将信息,思想,结构新颖的结合起来。)
Maven: What's wrong with my haircut?!?(美芬:我的发型怎么啦?!)
Microsoft maven Bill Gates co-founded a data business that focused on traffic counts, Traf-O-Data, when he was in high school.(微软专家比尔·盖茨参与创建了一个针对交通量调查的Traf-O-Data数据公司,当时他还在上高中。)
The steps below describe how to build and deploy the service. For the purpose of this article, use Apache Maven version 2.0.5 or greater to build the sample code.(下面的步骤描述了如何构建和部署该服务。)
Maven: Scrum can be broken down into a few key steps.(美芬:scrum可以分为好几个关键步骤。)
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