形容词: materialistic 副词: materialistically 名词: materialist
形容词: materialistic 副词: materialistically 名词: materialist
1. (philosophy) the philosophical theory that matter is the only reality
Synonym: physicalism
2. a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters
Synonym: philistinism
1. 实利主义;物质主义
Materialism is the attitude of someone who attaches a lot of importance to money and wants to possess a lot of material things.
e.g. ...the rising consumer materialism in society at large.
2. 唯物主义;唯物论
Materialism is the belief that only physical matter exists, and that there is no spiritual world.
1. 唯物论:故就本体的性质而言,一般而言分为唯物论(Materialism)、唯心论(Spiritualism). 而方法论呢? 方法论(Methodology)是涉及我们用何种方法去认识世界. 而研究方法论(Reserch Methodology)则主要在探讨研究的基本假设、逻辑、原则、规则、程序等问题,
2. 拜金主义:专辑不是全然摸不着边际,至少它也给主题化(themed)了,在拜金主义(materialism)论述之下,可乐王的词可以有这样的解读方式(当然你也可以有自己的解读方式)
The materialism of the modern world..washing machines, glass and steel, and a Comprehensive School.
出自:A. N. Wilson