1. a permissible difference
allowing some freedom to move within limits
Synonym: allowanceleewaytolerance
2. an amount beyond the minimum necessary
e.g. the margin of victory
3. the blank space that surrounds the text on a page
e.g. he jotted a note in the margin
4. (finance) the net sales minus the cost of goods and services sold
Synonym: gross profitgross profit margin
5. the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
Synonym: security deposit
6. the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
Synonym: borderperimeter
1. (尤指选票或比分的)差额,差数
A margin is the difference between two amounts, especially the difference in the number of votes or points between the winner and the loser in an election or other contest.
e.g. They could end up with a 50-point winning margin...
e.g. The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin...
2. 页边空白;页边;白边
The margin of a written or printed page is the empty space at the side of the page.
e.g. She added her comments in the margin.
3. 余地;富余
If there is a margin for something in a situation, there is some freedom to choose what to do or decide how to do it.
e.g. The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error...
e.g. These charges can carry prison terms of up to five years, though there's a wide margin of discretion...
4. 边缘;边沿
The margin of a place or area is the extreme edge of it.
e.g. ...the low coastal plain along the western margin...
e.g. These islands are on the margins of human habitation.
5. (社会、群体或活动中的)边缘地位,非主体地位
To be on the margins of a society, group, or activity means to be among the least typical or least important parts of it.
e.g. Students have played an important role in the past, but for the moment, they're on the margins.
e.g. ...signs of the party's rapid retreat to the political margins.
6. see also: profit margin
1. margin
1. 利润:使游客可以比正常行情低上千元的价位进驻五星级饭店,为顾客创造了最高的附加价值.价值链则是消费者心目中的价值基础,是透过一连串的生产者内部资源与技术上的具体价值活动(value activities)与利润(margin)所构成.农业价值链之管理,
2. margin什么意思
2. 保证金:倉位、部位 (Position) 留置在市場中尚未結清的期貨合約 平倉 (Offset ;Square ;Liguidate) 將尚未結清的倉位反向沖銷(軋平) 保證金 (Margin) 保證履行期貨交易義務的資金
3. 边缘:在此基础上,他认为所有通过仪式都有标识性的三个阶段:分离(separation)阶段、边缘(margin)阶段和聚合(aggregation)阶段. 确实,生命通过仪式就是围绕杰内普总结的三个标识性阶段所从事的一系列社会活动,来达到强化秩序和整合社会的目的.
4. 裕度:无论其属性称为材料或称为成品,在产品研发设计选择材料时均须进行相关联参数之可靠度资料分析及必要的工程试验,以确实证明材料或成品所应用的参数有其适当余裕度(Margin)考量,藉由余裕度与应用规格最差条件进行可靠度工程分析,
5. margin的翻译
5. margin:marg; 裕量
Between the mountain-base And the green margin of the waters.
出自:SoutheyHere the road was rough, its margins indistinct.
出自:R. C. HutchinsonThe margin between alarm and fascination was soon crossed.