Next time you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up for it.(下一次你犯错误,不要为此而打自己。)
When you make a mistake, be grateful for the things it taught you.(当你犯错误时,应该为得到的教训心存感激。)
Since it's easy to make a mistake, just don't do it.(既然这很容易犯错,干脆就不这样做好了。)
That she could make a mistake or be wrong.(她不会承认自己犯下错误或可能是错的。)
In case they make a mistake, point it out gently.(万一他们犯了错误,亲切地指出来。)
But don't make a mistake like that again.(但是下次可别再犯这样的错误了,怎么样?)
He's waiting for me to make a mistake.(他正盼着我出错呢。)
In the West, if you make a mistake it's understood that this happens.(在西方人们犯错误是可以被理解的每个人都会犯错误。)
She yells at me every time I make a mistake.(每次我犯了错她都要对我大喊大叫。)
It is ignorant to make a mistake; but it is stupid to repeat a mistake.(犯错是由于无知,但是重复犯错就是愚蠢了。)
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