As we push ourselves through the day, we look ahead to lunch or the end of business.(当我们强迫自己过完一天,等着吃午餐等着业务结束。)
When you are running, look ahead, don't look back.(跑步时往前看,别后瞻。)
Today, Japan can look back half a century with nostalgia and pride, yet look ahead with concern.(今天,日本骄傲地怀念这半个世纪,并关切地注视着未来。)
I don't know for sure because I don't look ahead in the scripts.(没提前看剧本所以我也不是很清楚。)
Look ahead, that is where your future lies. "- Ann landers."(向前看,因为你的未来在那里。)
Now it's time to look ahead to 2011.(现在,是时候展望2011年了。)
But memory is unreliable and the future unwritten; new African writers might do better to look ahead.(然而,这些记忆并不可靠,也未涉及未来。新一批非洲籍作家最好还是多超前看看。)
You shouldn't look around when driving, please look ahead.(开车时不要东张西望,往前看。)
Daniel: Daddy, look ahead in the distance, the mountains there.(丹尼尔:爸爸,往远处看,那里有很多山。)
But when they look ahead, they see roadblocks to their success.(但当他们展望未来时,他们看到了通往成功的路上障碍重重。)
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