It's so difficult to reach a real person via an 800 number that we had to invent a heretofore unnecessary locution-real person-to describe the entity we are trying to reach.(现在,通过拨打800电话号码接通一个真实的人已经变的很困难,以至于我们必须发明一种在以前根本没必要的谈话风格,来接通我们真正要找的实体目标。)
After a data library about standard samples is established on the basis of the experiment, the locution of the single-point load on the structure is self-diagnosed by means of the least square method.(在实验基础上建立结构受载时标准样本特征向量数据库。根据最小二乘法原理用拟合的方法自诊断单点受我的位置。)
The reterative locution, a common and typical artistic language, frequently shows the writer's personality and is full of rich value of the aesthetic judgment together with the aesthetics character.(叠字是一种常见的文学语言,是典型的艺术语言。叠字往往集中体现作者的个性,具有鲜明的美学特征和丰富的审美价格。敦煌词的叠字具有清旷的审美特点。)
Using reiterative locution arts to write poem is one of the skills the ancient poem writers often used.(叠字是汉语修辞的一种方法,运用叠字艺术进行诗词创作是古代诗词作家常用的艺术手法之一。)
The characters with the same form, sound, and meaning, in broad or narrow sense, construct reiterative locution.(叠字是由形、音、义均相同的汉字重叠使用构成的,有广义、狭义之分。)
In this latter situation and would never expect their designers gifted in sesquipedalian locution.(有些情况下,设计师从来不需要考虑自己写一个字。)
Female autobiographical novels as a part of Chinese female literature in 90 ~ s of 20th Century manifest an inimitable female speech locution.(20世纪90年代以来的女性自传体小说作为中国女性文学的一部分,呈现了前所未有的女性话语姿态。)
In modern Chinese reiterative locution and reduplication are likely to be confused.(现代汉语中,叠音词与重叠式很容易发生混淆。)
Ensure accordant locution (use words correctly).(确保一致的语言风格(词语使用正确)。)
Therefore, to make sure the scope of the idiom, to make a clear distinction with other familiar languages, especially with locution, became the core problem to decide the idiom.(因此,确定成语的范围,划清它与其他熟语,特别是与惯用语的界限,成为判定成语的关键。)
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