英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:32:37
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. housing available for people to live in

e.g. he found quarters for his family
I visited his bachelor quarters

Synonym: quarters

1. living quarters的意思

1. 住所:living density 居住密度 | living quarters 住所 | living quarters size 住所面积

2. 住处:literary output 文学作品 | living quarters 住处 | lock system 河闸控制系统


3. 生活区:living polymer 活性聚合物 | living quarters 生活区 | lixiviant 浸滤剂

4. 居住舱室:living expenses 生活费 | living quarters 居住舱室 | living quarters 住舱

Two large sliding doors lead from the Main Hall into the living quarters and a mudroom.(通过两扇大的移动门,我们可以从大厅进入卧室和储藏室。)
During his time in Okinawa as a second lieutenant, and to the amusement of his fellow Marines, Colonel Richardson set up a studio in his living quarters.(在冲绳岛担任第二中尉的时候,尉了娱乐他的海军陆战,上校理查德森在他的住所建立了工作室。)
The amount of calcification was found to be related directly to the distance of living quarters from heavy traffic.(研究发现,钙化程度和居住地离交通拥挤路段的距离有直接关系。)
A nuclear family is a family group consisting of a father and mother and their children, who share living quarters.(Nuclearfamily(核心家庭)指由一对夫妻及其子女组成,并且共同居住在同一屋檐下的家庭。)
The combination of the raw, loft-style concrete form of the garage with the graphite form of the living quarters gave rise to a contrasting composition.(车库使用阁楼式粗糙混凝土模板,结合生活区的石墨形态,产生了一种鲜明的对照效果。)
They also constructed living quarters for workers.(他们还给工人修建了生活区。)
Otherwise the living quarters are painted in light color which's gives the dwellers good possibility to decorate the rooms according to their own tastes.(另外,生活区被饰以浅色,这为居住者根据自己的爱好来装饰房间提供了很好的可能性。)
The more private living quarters serve two functions thanks in part to well-designed convertible furniture.(更私密性的起居空间具有两个功能,一定程度上取决于精心设计的可转换式家具。)
They were also the living quarters for the empresses and concubines.(那里也是皇后和皇妃的寝宫。)
The station divides into two masses: a vaulted apparatus bay clad with metal and low-lying living quarters wrapped in wood.(消防站分为两个体块:覆有金属的拱形设施和覆有横向木板的生活区。)
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