In addition, many ontologies are domain specific in fields such as technology, environmental science, chemistry and linguistics.(此外,很多本体都是特定于诸如技术、环境科学、化学和语言学之类的领域。)
Her early work in broadening the scope of linguistics came in the thesis for her doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley.(她在加州大学伯克莱分校所写的博士论文是她拓宽语言学研究视野的早期作品。)
Talking about important discoveries in linguistics, this was certainly one of them.(谈到语言学上的重大发现,这肯定是其中之一。)
Yeah, she's a doctor of linguistics.(是啊,是语言学博士毕业呢。)
Eventually, I earned a Ph.D. in linguistics close to the age of 50, a self imposed deadline.(我给自己定的上限是五十岁,后来终于在逼近五十的当口拿到了语言学博士学位。)
These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.(这些观点很快就成了语言学中新的正统观念。)
Pan teaches linguistics at Yangtze University.(潘教授在长江大学教语言学。)
His revolutionary work in linguistics has aroused intense scholarly interest.(他在语言学方面的革命性著作引起了强烈的学术兴趣。)
Also a glowing letter of recommendation from a linguistics professor wouldn't hurt, which I'd be more than happy to write up for you.(另外,一名语言学教授热情洋溢的推荐信也不会带来什么坏处,我非常乐意为你写这封推荐信。)
The first results point the way toward a rigorous, quantitative, historical linguistics.(首批研究成果也让我们看到了一位严谨,用数据说话的历史语言学家的作风。)
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