形容词: levitational 名词: levitation 过去式: levitated 过去分词: levitated 现在分词: levitating 第三人称单数: levitates
形容词: levitational 名词: levitation 过去式: levitated 过去分词: levitated 现在分词: levitating 第三人称单数: levitates
1. be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity
e.g. The guru claimed that he could levitate
Synonym: hover
2. cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity
e.g. The magician levitated the woman
1. 升空;悬浮;飘浮
If someone or something levitates, they appear to rise and float in the air without any support from other people or objects.
e.g. He has claimed he can levitate...
e.g. Nina can, apparently, levitate a small ball between her hands.
1. levitate
1. 浮空术:传送系,浮空术(Levitate),失败,薇莉斯没有按照我的指示上下移动. 附魔系,厌恶术(Aversion),我好像没有施放这个异能啊,但薇莉斯怎么看上去有点厌恶我呢. 还是就此罢手吧,总结一下这一晚的试验. 我的确能顺利施放全系心灵术士异能,
2. 漂浮:改不会是这群兽人造房子的时候把人家的宝箱一起搬来了吧?......我汗!靠......看了看自己的技能,虽然没有迷雾形态(Mist Form)这个最重要的利器,但是暂时能在外面混了!有了漂浮(Levitate)和诱惑(Charm)的帮助,我能够很方便地和一群敌人周旋
3. 轻轻浮起:Levis Levis 牛仔裤 | levitate 轻轻浮起 | levitation 轻轻浮起
4. levitate是什么意思
4. 浮游 不会被地面系招式击中:ふしぎなまもり Wonder Guard 神秘守护 除了被两倍或以上的属性攻击及间接攻击外,其他攻击一律无效 | ふゆう Levitate 浮游 不会被地面系招式击中 | いしあたま Rock Head 石头 攻击时不受反作用力影响
Joy will cause the..population to levitate two feet off the ground.
出自:Caryl Churchill