英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:25:49



英 [ˈlevi]

美 [ˈlɛvi]



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过去式: leveed 过去分词: leveed 现在分词: leveeing 第三人称单数: levees

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. an embankment that is built in order to prevent a river from overflowing

2. a pier that provides a landing place on a river

3. a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court)


1. 堤:天然堤(Levee): 位于平均高潮面之上30CM左右,发育纹层状球粒,常见鸟 Levee): Levee 眼构造.塘(Pond): 被天然堤包围,其内发育盐水和细粒沉积物. Pond): Pond 沙滩脊(Beach ridges): 沿天然堤外侧分布,沉积纹层状球粒和交错层理 Beach ridges): 沙屑.

2. 河堤:leisure complex 休憩活动综合大楼 | levee 河堤 | level 水平;水平线;层

3. 天然堤:leucoxene 白钛石 | levee 天然堤 | level 水准

4. levee的近义词

4. 堤防:levee drain valve 防火堤排水阀 | levee 堤防 | leveed channel 堤成谷

  • 经典引文

  • Islands in the river might be leveed and successfully cultivated.

    出自:J. Palmer
Breaks in the city's levee system flooded 80 percent of the city with water.(城市防洪堤系统的破坏让水淹没了整个城市的80%。)
And now they are building a giant flood gate on the very pretty levee in front of our house!(而现在,他们正在建设一个巨大的防洪闸门,非常漂亮的大堤前我们的房子!)
In normal circumstances merely placing a layer of protective material on top of a levee in this way would not do much good.(一般来说如果只是这样在堤坝顶部铺一层类似的保护材料在漫坝时不会起到什么作用。)
She walks across a levee, blowing a whistle and waving her arms.(她在大堤上走来走去,吹口哨,挥舞着胳膊赶鸟。)
I am sure I can figure out soon how this levee was built and when it was built.(这条长堤是怎么修的、什么时候修的,我一会儿就能考证出来。)
Levee double - layer foundation is very common in levees along large rivers.(双层堤基在大江大河防洪干堤中非常普遍。)
Later the car was found burned beside the Mississippi River levee, with a charred corpse inside.(后来,这辆车在密西西比河岸堤被找到,但连同车内的尸体都已经被烧焦。)
But allow me to pause for a moment and throw another sandbag on the levee of those trying to resist this tide.(但请容许我暂停片刻,在试图抵挡这股潮流的堤坝上再添一个沙袋。)
A western cottonmouth didn't survive the trip across a levee road in Illinois.(一条西部棉口蛇在穿越伊利诺斯一条河堤路的旅途中未能幸存下来。)
Therefore, it is of great significance to study the routing characteristics of flood caused by levee breach.(因此,研究堤防溃决之后洪水在城区内的演进规律具有重要的现实意义。)
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