
好工具 > 单词大全 > letter-box


更新时间:2025-03-10 23:50:45


信箱; 邮箱,=mailbox(英)


  • 双语例句


1. T6! M# r% J7 a } The newspapers were so tightly jammed in the letter-box that he could hardly get them out.
v 信箱里的报纸塞得太多了,他几乎没法把它们拿出来。

2. letter-box

2. There are two collections a day from this letter-box.

3. letter-box

3. The postman is always puting your letters into my letter-box.

4. Special line: PET bottles to send the wind line, PET bottles transmission line, eight-treasure Li transportation, storage assembly line speed chain, refrigerator-line detection of, stainless steel transmission lines around with CPT, conveyor Store line, groove belt, transportation of finished Line, the size and quality control systems, improve water vat, with tailgate climbing belt, with the assembly line stands, the knife-edge transition belt turn, to roll lines, cell delivery systems, computer assembly lines, power assembly lines, power lines Raceway, To send the wind-line, high-speed sorting lines, transmission lines Raceway, drum line, after the assembly lines overhang, the chemical industry transmission lines, aging transmission lines, Tetra transmission lines, transmission lines plate chain, chain lost keel box line, spiral Chain plate line, spiral belt, a motorcycle transmission lines, motorcycle assembly line, climbing belt, a belt transmission line group, bottles of beer delivery systems, aerodynamic balance suspended, the lines between the pneumatic hoist, automotive transmission lines, light-top Transfer or devices, thermal plastic packet transmission line, stretching line wheel, food delivery lines, transmission lines, transmission lines climbing boxes, fruit cleansing transmission lines, the level of circulating conveyor chain, no power lines Raceway, no power telescopic Raceway lines, lines between the hoist, the letter-box sorting systems, conveyor suspension, tobacco conveyor, the parcel sorting conveyor systems, packet transmission lines, packet transmission line combinations, straight plate section, gravity-shelf access device, Heavy-duty power lines Raceway, heavy-duty conveyor chain, chain of beads to lose face envelope, turning plate, vehicle loading and unloading conveyor, the assembly line, assembly line, automatic transmission storage systems, feeding

5. I'll have the gas laid on to-morrow, and engage Mrs. Maloney's eldest son to sleep under the letter-box in the lobby.


6. W. wheeler, made, which he placed on his letter-box in the hall.

7. He had found in the letter-box a bill from the gas company, and he thought it more than time to put a stop to this expense, which he had been doomed to bear.

8. He had found in the letter-box a bill from the gas company, he thought it more than time to put a stop to this expense, which he had been doomed to bear.
com 忠实的小伙子还是先回到自己的房里,把那个开了八十天的煤气龙头关上,他在信箱里拿到一份煤气公司缴费通知单。他觉得这一笔应该归他付账的煤气费该到此为止了。

9. I`m in the letter-box.

10. I'm in the letter-box.

11. Every day you can find different kinds of ~s in your letter-box..

12. letter-box的解释

12. I'd like to open a letter-box at your post office.

13. With the help of the postman, Tom went out of the letter-box.

14. He had found inthe letter-box a bill from the gas company, and he thought it more than

15. letter-box

15. The newspapers were so tightly jammed in the letter-box that he could hardly get them out.

16. Yesterday she found this leaflet GetWord (" leaflet "); in her letter-box.

17. letter-box的意思

17. There are two collections a day from this letter-box, ie The postman empties it twice a day.

18. letter-box的翻译

18. In the vestibule below was a letter-box into which no letter would go, and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring.

19. The postman tried to crush the packet through the letter-box. Stick a stamp on an envelope before you put it into the mail-box.

  • 临近词
George said, Please put my letter in the box in the office, and... he stopped.(乔治说,请把我的新放在局里的邮箱里面,并…他停了。)
Then I take her to the bank, open the 7 safe deposit box and tenderly place that year's Annual Letter on top of the growing pile of its predecessors.(然后,我把她带到银行,打开保险箱,轻轻地把它放在那叠先前写的年信上。)
Thirty years ago, stealing a single classified document meant using a miniature camera; passing it on required a dead letter box.(30年前,偷一个文件意味着得使用微型相机;运送文件意味着需要一个废弃的邮箱。)
The postman is always putting your letters in my letter box.(邮递员总是把你的信放在我的信箱里。)
The postman tried to crush the packet through the letter-box.(邮递员使劲把信件塞进信箱里。)
At the bottom of this plate, an aperture had been pierced exactly similar to the orifice of a letter box.(在那铁皮的下方,开了一个口,和信箱的口完全同一样。)
There's no use peering through the letter-box. The place is as still as the grave. They must have forgotten we were coming.(不用朝投信口里张望了,这里静静的没有一点儿声响,他们准把我们来这里的事忘了。)
Make sure that the smallest box encloses the letter or a memo to propose her.(别忘了最小的盒子里要有一封信或是贴士来跟她求婚。)
True faith drops its letter in the post office box, and lets it go.(真信心把信件投在邮箱里以后就让它去了。)
Then she put it in a letter box.(然后她把它放进信箱里。)
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